
Simple way to display information from nf-tables in a more iptables-like format

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0



This project is NOT part of the official nftables project

This tool a simple way to display information from nf-tables in a more iptables-like format.

It complements the official nft tool, and tries to find a space between nft - where the output can be quite complex to follow, and iptables-nft - which I felt was to limited.

The tool is not designed to modify nf-tables rules, only to display them in an easy to understand format.

You can chose to display the entire ruleset, or just a single hook (input, output, forward, prerouting, postrouting), a single chain, or a set.


Display a single hook

nftables -L input

hook      # chains
------  ----------
input            3

chain      table        priority  default
---------  ---------  ----------  ---------
MYCHAIN    filter            -10  accept
f2b-chain  f2b-table          -1  accept
INPUT      filter              0  accept

handle         pkts    bytes  target    log    proto    filter
-----------  ------  -------  --------  -----  -------  --------------------------------------------------
MYCHAIN/9    74.2 K   18.9 M  accept           inet     ip saddr == @my-set
f2b-chain/3      27    1.6 K  reject           inet     l4proto == tcp AND ip saddr == @addr-set-blacklist
f2b-chain/5       0        0  reject           inet     tcp dport == 143 AND ip saddr == @addr-set-dovecot
f2b-chain/7      20    1.6 K  reject           inet     tcp dport == 22 AND ip saddr == @addr-set-sshd
INPUT/132    18.7 K  832.9 K  reject           ip       ip saddr == @abuseipdb
INPUT/166         0        0  drop             ip       ip saddr == @fedotracker
INPUT/171         0        0  drop             ip       ip saddr == @talos
INPUT/174         0        0  drop             ip       ip saddr == @threatfox

sudo ./nftables -L forward

hook       # chains                                                                                                            
-------  ----------                                                                                                            
forward           2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
chain            table      priority  default                                                                                  
---------------  -------  ----------  ---------                                                                                
OLENNET_FORWARD  filter          -10  accept                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
FORWARD          filter            0  drop                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
handle                 pkts    bytes  target                         log    proto    filter                    
------------------  -------  -------  -----------------------------  -----  -------  ---------------------------------------------------------
FORWARD/13                0        0  accept                                inet     iifname == eth1 AND oifname == eth0
FORWARD/68            9.6 K  862.1 K  accept                                ip6      ip6 saddr == fd00:ffff:42::/48
FORWARD/182               0        0  accept                                ip6      state in ['established', 'related']
FORWARD/183               0        0  accept                                ip       state in ['established', 'related']
FORWARD/417               0        0  jump DOCKER                           ip       oifname == docker0

If your terminal supports color, the output is even easier to read:


The output is ordered according to the chain priority, and you can easily get a good overview over what chains and rules are in use and how they are configured.

Display a set

nftables -s my-set

add set inet filter my-set { type ipv4_addr; size 65536; }
flush set inet filter my-set
add element inet filter my-set { comment "network 1" }
add element inet filter my-set { comment "another network" }
add element inet filter my-set { comment "lan" }

Output here is actually the format to recreate the set, so you can easily run this command and redirect to a file (nftables -s my-set > my-set.nft, add or modify entries, and just run nft -f my-set.nft to update it.


After searching and discovering nftwatch I was inspired to create something even simpler and more familiar when you come from an iptables-background, without all the limits of iptables-nft