
A sample Java project, that runs Selenium-based UI Tests

Primary LanguageJava


The project contains UI tests for upgrading free account to a team

How to run tests with gradle:

  1. Install gradle and the latest java

  2. Clone the project

  3. Go to the project folder

  4. Create the file gradle.properties

  5. Add BASE_URL, USER_NAME and PASSWORD there, e.g.




  6. Run the command in terminal:

gradle test or ./gradlew test (for Windows: gradlew test)

If you want to run Chrome not in headless mode use the following command:

./gradlew clean test -Dheadless=false

How to run tests in Docker:

If you don't have Gradle and/or JDK installed on your machine you can run tests in Docker.

  1. Install Docker on your local machine

  2. Clone the project

  3. Go to the project folder

  4. Create the file gradle.properties

  5. Add BASE_URL, USER_NAME and PASSWORD there, e.g.




  6. Run the command in terminal:


docker run --rm \
    -v "$PWD":/home/gradle/project \
    -w /home/gradle/project leapci/gradle-chrome:jdk-11 gradle test -q

Windows in PowerShell:

docker run --rm `
    -v "$(PWD):/home/gradle/project" `
    -w /home/gradle/project leapci/gradle-chrome:jdk-11 gradle test -q

If you do not want to create gradle.properties you can use the following command to run tests:


docker run --rm \
    --env BASE_URL='${Base_Url}' \
    --env USER_NAME=${User_Name} \
    --env PASSWORD='${Password}' \
    -v "$PWD":/home/gradle/project 
    -w /home/gradle/project leapci/gradle-chrome:jdk-11 gradle test -q

Windows in PowerShell:

docker run --rm `
    --env BASE_URL='${Base_Url}' `
    --env USER_NAME=${User_Name} `
    --env PASSWORD='${Password}' `
    -v "$(PWD):/home/gradle/project" `
    -w /home/gradle/project leapci/gradle-chrome:jdk-11 gradle test -q

View the test report

Open index.html in a browser to see the tests results. This file will be generated in the folder: /UpgradeAccount/build/reports/tests/test/

You should see the following results:

junit test results screenshot

View the test report produced by CI

This repository contains a GitHub Actions build pipeline which is triggered on every push. It executes gradle test command in a docker container, and then uploads test reports as build artifacts.

You can find and download them by navigating to https://github.com/OlgaLa/UpgradeAccount/actions and selecting the latest run log. The artifacts would be located in Artifacts section at the bottom of the page.