
AWS CloudFormation

Primary LanguagePython


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What is AWS CloudFormation?

AWS CloudFormation is a service that gives developers and businesses an easy way to create a collection of related AWS and third party resources and provision them in an orderly and predictable fashion.

Official Documentation Link


This template will provision S3 bucket with tags applied and versioning enabled.

This template will create a security group with tags applied and will allow https only.

This template will create an EC2 Instance with the following properties:

- t2.micro
- Encrypted EBS volume
- Tags applied

This template will create an EC2 Instance using parameters to pass values to the template when creating or updating a stack so that you can customize each stack deployment. Provide the following values for the template.

- EC2 Type          EC2-Instance Type
- Subnet ID         SubnetId to which the EC2 should be launched
- AMI               Amazon Image ID
- SSH KEY           SSH Key name for SSH Access
- Security Group
- Team Tag          Value for Team Tag key
- Owner             
- Root Volume size  Size of the root volume

CloudFormation Template that creates EC2-Instance and Security Group with Tags, and requires the following parameteres.

CloudFormation Template will create the following resources:

- Internet Gateway
- Gateway Attachment
- Subnet 1
- Subnet 2
- Route Table
- Route 
- Subnet Route Table Association 1
- Subnet Route Table Association 2

It will take inputs from the following parameters:

- TeamTagValue
- EnvTagValue
- Subnet1Cidr
- Subnet2Cidr

Note: modify the file with your inputs.