Berise Project Frontend


Berise is a web platform dedicated to deliver female hygienic products through a subscription model to allow girls be free, confident and live their days fully and without worries.

App Screenshots

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Being a girl is wonderful with one exception: the period. Everything related to the period is a hassle: calculating when it will come, remember to go to a store to but the needed products, finding the place that sells the preferred products, buying the right quantity and especially constantly having in mind this worry. To eliminate this hassle I created a web platform that will allow girls to pick their preferred products, select the date when they will need them and subscribe to a monthly service. After that Berise will deliver once per month all the preferred products to the clients door exactly when she needs them.


After forking and cloning the repo execute the following commands to install and run the app:

  • $ npm install
  • $ npm start

Tech Stack

The app has been created using:


We love pull requests from everyone. By participating in this project, you agree to abide by the thoughtbot [code of conduct]:

Fork, then clone the repo: Push to your fork and submit a pull request.


Berise is licensed under the MIT license.