Developed for the TU Dresden Nanosat SOMP2b Norad ID: 47445
- Receive transmission data from the SatNOGS network (Rest API), decode and represent
- Satellite orbit visualization of position and attitude
- Predict passes and satellite eclipse times
- Model backend based on NAIF CSPICE
- The Software can easily be used for different satellites. Therefore a custom transmission decoding script is required similar to "./python/". It decodes the binary data into .json files. The name convention must be kept similar.
- All downloaded RAW and Metadata as well as the decoded .json files are saved under "./download".
- To use the attitude visualization the data must contain:
- "q_ib_w [deg]" (Quaternion scalar ECI to Satellite Frame)
- "q_ib_i [deg]" (Quaternion X ECI to Satellite Frame)
- "q_ib_j [deg]" (Quaternion Y ECI to Satellite Frame)
- "q_ib_k [deg]" (Quaternion Z ECI to Satellite Frame)
- "angular_rate_x [deg/s]"
- "angular_rate_y [deg/s]"
- "angular_rate_z [deg/s]"
Build: MSVC2019 64 bit Recommended build folder: "./build/" Build requirements (all already provided in the recommended build folder):
- Installed python
- OpenSSL extensions
- "./libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll"
- "./libssl-1_1-x64.dll"
- Python extension
- "./python3.dll"
- "./python39.dll"
- Kernel data provided and linked in meta kernel and NAIF "brief.exe"
- "./kernels/meta.ker"
- "./kernels/brief.exe"
- An output and download path
- "./output"
- "./download"
- A python decoder fitting to the satellite data coding
- "./python/"