
Configure keepalived with Ansible the way you want

ISC LicenseISC


This role configures keepalived without arm twisting. Write the configuration the way you want.


Another role or deployment method must be devised to use notification scripts such as notify_backup, notify_fault and notify_master.

Role Variables

  • keepalived_global_defs: configure the global_defs block ;
  • keepalived_vrrp_scripts: configure one or more vrrp_script ;
  • keepalived_vrrp_instances: configure one or more vrrp_instance.


  • router_id: define the router_id of this keepalived instance ;
  • notification_email: a YAML list of email addresses ;
  • notification_email_from: the from: address ;
  • smtp_server: remote SMTP server to use ;
  • no_email_faults: do not send email, value should be true or false ;
  • default_interface: set the default interface, the default value is eth0 ;
  • script_user: specify the user used to run scripts, the default is keepalived_script ;
  • enable_script_security: prevent keepalived from running insecure scripts, the default value is True.


This variable contains a list of vrrp_script values structured like this:

  • name: name of the monitored service, mandatory ;
  • script: shell excerpt allowing to monitor the service, mandatory ;
  • interval: interval of time in seconds between to run of script, the default value is 2 ;
  • timeout: seconds after which script is considered to have failed ;
  • weight: reduce priority by weight on FAULT state, the default value is 2 ;
  • rise: exit FAULT state if script returned zero rise time, the default value is 2 ;
  • fall: enter FAULT state if script returned non-zero fall time, the default value is 2 ;
  • init_fail: assume script initially is in failed state.


This variable contains a list of vrrp_instance values structured like this:

  • name: instance name, mandatory ;
  • virtual_router_id: specify which VRRP router id this instance belongs to, mandatory ;
  • advert_int: advertisement interval in seconds, the default value is 1 ;
  • priority: specify the priority of this instance in the VRRP router, mandatory ;
  • state: specify the instance state at startup, either MASTER or BACKUP, mandatory ;
  • unicast_src_ip: IP address this instance should listen on, optionnal ;
  • unicast_peer: list of IP addresses allowed to communicate with this instance, optionnal ;
  • interface: interface to use, mandatory ;
  • virtual_ipaddresses: a list of IP addresses to share in the VRRP router ;
  • track_interfaces: a list of interfaces to track ;
  • track_script: a service which state is tracked, defined in keepalived_vrrp_scripts ;
  • notify_backup: execute notify_backup when state transition to BACKUP, optionnal ;
  • notify_master: execute notify_backup when state transition to MASTER , optionnal ;
  • notify_fault: execute notify_backup when state transition to FAULT, optionnal ;
  • authentication: set IPSSEC-AH authentication, default value is false.


The keepalived package should be installed first using a tool such as Packer. However if it is not part of your toolchain the variable keepalived_install can be set to True to provoke an installation.

Example Playbook

    - hosts: wwwmaster
      - keepalived_global_defs:
        router_id: 1
      - keepalived_vrrp_scripts:
        - name: haproxy
          script: killall -0 haproxy
      - keepalived_vrrp_instances:
        - name: HAPROXY
           virtual_router_id: 42
           priority: 100
           state: MASTER
           unicast_src_ip: "{{ hostvars[wwwmaster].ansible_default_ipv4.address }}"
             - "{{ hostvars[wwwbackup].ansible_default_ipv4.address }}"
           interface: eth0
             - "{{ vip_front }}"
           track_script: haproxy
      - role: ansible-keepalived



Author Information

This role was created in 2018 by Tristan Le Guern on the behalf of Deveryware.