
Code, Demo and Results of the homework paper for DL class in UPC

Primary LanguagePython


"A Context-Based Multi-Scale Discriminant Model for Natural Image Inpainting".


It is a model for inpainting task, which is based on GL and NIN.


1. Download pretrained generator

  • [Required] Pretrained generator model (Completion Network): Baidu NetDisk. (key: 1234)
  • [Optional] Pretrained discriminator model (Context Discriminator): Baidu NetDisk. (key: 5678)

Note that you don't need the dicriminator model for inference because only generator is necessary to perform image completion.

Both the generator and discriminator were trained on the CelebA.

2. Inference


# in {path_to_this_repo}/,
$ python predict.py model_cn config.json images/test.jpg output.jpg


One can also train the network with their own datasets, by modifying the data path in config.json.

1. Prepare the dataset

Here we offer some official links used in paper.

Process the data by running ./datasets/make_dataset.py .

2. Training


# in {path_to_this_repo}/,
$ python python train.py datasets/img_align_celeba results/wc/

Training results (trained model snapshots and inference results) are to be saved in ./results/wc.

The training procedure consists of the following three phases.

  1. In phase 1, only Completion Network (i.e., generator) is trained.
  2. In phase 2, only Context Discriminator (i.e., discriminator) is trained, while Completion Network is frozen.
  3. In phase 3, Both of the networksd are jointly trained.

By default, the training steps during phase 1, 2, and 3 are set to 90,000, 10,000, and 400,000, respectively. One can also customize their training settings in ./config.json.


1. Reuslts on ParisStreet View dataset along with epochs.

All text

2. Results on CelebA dataset along with phases.

  • Phase 1 for 90,000 All text
  • Phase 2 for 10,000 All text
  • Phase 3 for 400,000 All text

For more results and models during training, click here. (key: 6666)


Please contact me if there is any question. (Chao Wang oliversavealien@gmail.com)