A collection of small scripts to be able to switch screens/keyboards-mouse and synergy between a guest os (windows) and a host (archlinux) through tcp. It open a tcp connection and when receive a signal, switch the screens, attach/detach some usb devices and kill/launch the appropriate synergy client/server. Written in Bash and powershell
- Synergy for sharing mouse and keyboard between computers:
sudo pacman -S synergy
- Netcat for the tcp lstening on linux, should be installed by default:
sudo pacman -S openbsd-netcat
The script only need to have a shortcut to be launched only when needed (when to switch).
Make the script execetubale in case it was not before: chmod +x linux-tcp-sender.sh
A simple alias, or adding it in the keyboard shortcut in Gnome-Preference should suffice.
To start the linux-switch.sh at boot, under archlinux (and any distro using systemd), it is possible to do so by creating a unit file.
sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/tcp-switch.service
Then enter the following:
Description= Receive signal over tcp to switch between main and second pc
After= multi.user.target
The path to the script need to be an absolute path, relative path does not work (replace $USER with your own user and $PATHTOSCRIPT with the location of the script folder)
Ensure the file has the permission sets on 644:
sudo chmod 644 /lib/systemd/system/tcp-switch.service
Reload the systemd
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
Enable the service
sudo systemctl enable tcp-switch.service
Start the service
sudo systemctl start tcp-switch.service
First, to be able to receive the message through the port specified in config.ini, a rule in the windows firewall need to be added.
Right clic on the network icon next to the clock and select Open Network and Sharing Centre
There, click on the option on the left side menu called Windows Firewall
and in the next windows, still in the left menu, select Advanced settings
This last opened windows is were you can add or remove the rules in the windows Firewall.
Only an inbound rules needs to be added. Selec Inbound Rules
and then select New Rules...
in the right menu.
Several options are possible. You can either select Port and enter the same port number as in config.ini, or select the program that is going to accept the connection.
To be able to use a shortcut with a powershell script, the easiest way is to create a shortcut from the powershell
and in the option of the shortcut (right click on the shortcut icon) filling the field Shortcut key
However, for the script to launch a powershell script, the Target
needs to be modified as follow:
%SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "C:\$PATHTOSCRIPT"
The source of information can be found here
To add a program to start with windows several options are possible but it is easy to follow this tutorial:
Press Win+R
Type: shell:startup
This is going to open a folder when you should put the shortcut create from the windows-tcp-switch.ps1. Check that you change the Target
as stated for the previous shortcut but also adding
at the end the option -WindowsStyle Hidden
- Use the following repository to parse the variables within the config file: bash_ini_parser