
A URL shortener, built with Phoenix, Elixir, Genservers, ETS, and Postgres

All URLs are saved to our Postgres DB, with concurrency through Genservers and an :ets table connected to our database instance.

You will need the following pieces to run the application:

  • Elixir/Erlang
  • Phoenix
  • Postgres
  • PNPM/NPM/Yarn


  • There is a production version of the application that can be seen here: https://pocket-url.fly.dev/ (It may take a moment to load as it only has one machine assigned and it hibernates)
  • There is a workflow that is designed to show a simple CI/CD workflow for the app from dev to production, that runs testing and formatting.
  • All instructions below assume you are working with an Apple environment


If you are missing any of the prerequisites, please follow the instructions at the bottom of this document.

If you have all the prerequisites, follow the steps below to get the site running on local:

  1. Run touch config/local.secret.exs (or manually add the local.secret.exs file to the config folder)
  2. Inside the local.secret.exs, add the following and replace the prompts:
import Config

config :pocket_url, PocketUrl.Repo,
  1. Run each of the following:
  • mix deps.get
  • mix ecto.setup
  • mix tailwind.install
  • mix esbuild.install
  1. cd in the /assets folder and run pnpm install (or, npm or yarn, depending on your choice)
  2. cd back into the root and run mix phx.server and visit the url at the localhost https://localhost:4001
  3. You can also run mix test to run the validation tests.


You can skip any of the following steps if you already have the target downloaded.

  1. Homebrew
  • https://brew.sh/
  • /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
  1. Elixir
  • brew install elixir
  1. Erlang
  • brew install erlang

If you wish to user a version manager for Elixir and Erlang, I would recommend asdf

  1. Phoenix
  1. Postgres
  • brew install postgresql
  • Follow the commands from brew post-installation
  1. PNPM/NPM/Yarn
  • If you wish to use any of the following, you can install them through brew as well. I would recommend PNPM, but for simplicity, NPM works