
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Animated sprites

A javascript Mootools plugin for sprites and animation drawing into canvas.

How to use

Syntax of animation manager :

var animation = new AnimationManager('canvasId');

Syntax of the connectors added in the animation manager :

animation.add(new AnimationStatic(animation, {
    image: null,                    // image object
    start: { x: 0, y: 0 },          // initial coordonates of the image
    offset: { x: 0, y: 0 },         // offset coordonates in the canvas
    cases: { x: 1, y: 1 },          // number of animations in the sprite
    layer: 0,                       // group assigned to display the sprite - lower value is deeper in the background

    onLoad: function() {},          // triggered after loading image
    onBeforeDraw: function() {},    // triggered before each frame draw
    onHide: function() {},          // triggered while hiding a sprite
    onShow: function() {},          // triggered while showing a sprite
    onClicked: null,                // triggered on a click event on the sprite - null: check click events deeper in the background, empty function : disable click on the sprite area
    onEnter: null,                  // triggered on entering the sprite
    onLeave: null                   // triggered on leaving the sprite
}[, referer]))

animation.add(new AnimationAnimated(animation, {
    image: null,                    // image object
    start: { x: 0, y: 0 },          // initial coordonates of the image
    offset: { x: 0, y: 0 },         // offset coordonates in the canvas
    cases: { x: 1, y: 1 },          // number of animations in the sprite
    layer: 0,                       // group assigned to display the sprite - lower value is deeper in the background

    step: 100,                      // time in ms between two animations
    line: 0,                        // line played ( defined in cases.y )
    order: 1,                       // TODO : play order, not implemented yet
    autorun: false,                 // auto start playing

    onLoad: function() {},          // triggered after loading image
    onBeforeDraw: function() {},    // triggered before each frame
    onAfterDraw: function() {},     // triggered after each frame
    onHide: function() {},          // triggered while hiding a sprite
    onShow: function() {},          // triggered while showing a sprite
    onClicked: null,                // triggered on a click event on the sprite - null: check click events deeper in the background, empty function : disable click on the sprite area
    onEnter: null,                  // triggered on entering the sprite
    onLeave: null                   // triggered on leaving the sprite
}[, referer]))

animation.add(new AnimationCanvas(animation, {
    canvas: null,                   // canvas object
    start: { x: 0, y: 0 },          // initial coordonates of the canvas
    offset: { x: 0, y: 0 },         // offset coordonates in the canvas
    cases: { x: 1, y: 1 },          // number of animations in the canvas
    layer: 0,                       // group assigned to display the canvas - lower value is deeper in the background

    onLoad: function() {},          // triggered after loading image
    onBeforeDraw: function() {},    // triggered before each frame draw
    onHide: function() {},          // triggered while hiding a canvas
    onShow: function() {},          // triggered while showing a canvas
    onClicked: null,                // triggered on a click event on the canvas - null: check click events deeper in the background, empty function : disable click on the canvas area
    onEnter: null,                  // triggered on entering the canvas
    onLeave: null                   // triggered on leaving the canvas
}[, referer]))


The animation manager hosts connectors and draw them, using their own customized draw() function every frame. Using add() function will add a connector to the stack, displaying next frame.

This plugin is more or less meant to be used as a middleware, drived by another class.

The change of connectors' events will change live the way the animation is played.

Currently written connectors, planning to add more soon :

  • Static sprite connector : meant to display fixed sprites without animation
  • Animated sprite connector : meant to display animated sprites
  • Canvas connector : meant to inject pre-rendered canvas in the main canvas, ie generated background which don't need to be updated every frame


Coming soon