
Simple coding exercise for checking understanding of CSS selectors and box model.

Primary LanguageHTML


Simple coding exercise for checking understanding of CSS selectors and box model.


You are tasked with styling a simple HTML page using CSS. The HTML page contains a header section, a main section with a list of items, and a footer section. Your task is to apply different styles to the elements using CSS selectors and the box model.


  1. Add your styles to the provided index.html.
  2. Use class selectors to style the header, main, and footer sections with different background colors.
  3. Use tag selectors to style the heading, list items, and paragraphs with different font sizes and colors.
  4. Use ID selectors to style the first list item with a border and a different font color.
  5. Use pseudo-class selectors to style the links in the header and footer sections with different hover effects.
  6. Use pseudo-element selectors to style the first letter of each paragraph in the main section with a larger font size and a different color.
  7. Use the box model to add padding and margin to the different sections and elements to create spacing and alignment.


  1. Use the CSS background-color, font-size, color, border, padding, margin, and text-decoration properties to apply styles to the elements.
  2. Use the :hover pseudo-class selector to apply styles to the links on hover.
  3. Use the ::first-letter pseudo-element selector to apply styles to the first letter of each paragraph.
  4. Use the #first-item ID selector to apply styles to the first list item.