
A casual multiplayer strategy game based on moving troops around a hexagonal grid.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


An .io style HTML5 multiplayer strategy hexagon grid based game.

Built on node.js, socket.io and express with a few other odds and ends.


Recording of gameplay


Refer to txt/documentation.txt


You will need git, node.js, npm and grunt.

Go to your parent directory of choice

cd C:\Users\You\Your\Directory

Clone the repo into your directory; it'll add a folder Strategy-Game

git clone https://github.com/OliverBalfour/Strategy-Game.git

Go into the new dir

cd Strategy-Game

Install dependencies (socket.io, express, and a few other bits and bobs)

npm install

Run the server

node index PORT_NO

PORT_NO is optional, defaults to 3000

Then navigate to localhost:3000 (assuming you're using port 3000, otherwise replace with PORT_NO)

If you don't have git, download this repo, unzip and put into your directory of choice, then run all commands after the git clone command. Or just get git. It's awesome. If you don't have node.js, don't even bother.

Useful commands

grunt - Build /dist and run tests

grunt test - Run tests

grunt watch - Automatically build /dist whenever a change is made to files in /client

node linecount - Automatically counts length in lines of code of all files in /server and /client, and a few others


Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0.

Copyright Oliver Balfour 2016-2020