
Primary LanguagePython



The DoorCam project is designed to provide a security solution that integrates machine learning to recognize and log door entry events. It includes both the backend processing of data and the frontend for interacting with the system.


  • Real-time Door Monitoring: Capture and process door entry data.
  • Machine Learning Integration: Models for predicting and analyzing entry events.
  • Aggregation and Logging: Tools for aggregating data and maintaining logs of events.
  • Training and Prediction: Scripts to train the machine learning models and make predictions based on new data.
  • Web Interface: A user-friendly interface to interact with the DoorCam system.

Project Structure

├── deploy/                     # Deployment configuration and scripts
├── doorcam/                    # Main application files
│   ├── aggregation.py          # Handles data aggregation
│   ├── models.py               # Defines and handles machine learning models
│   ├── entry_record.csv         # Log of door entry events
│   ├── client.py               # Handles client-side functionality
│   ├── predict.py              # Script to run predictions on new data
│   ├── config.yaml             # Configuration file for the system
│   ├── logs/                   # Log files
│   ├── train.py                # Script to train models
│   ├── app.py                  # Main application file (web or server interface)
│   ├── templates/              # HTML templates for web interface
│   └── utils.py                # Utility functions
├── tests/                      # Unit tests for the application
├── requirements.txt            # Python dependencies
├── README.md                   # Project documentation (this file)
└── .git/                       # Version control metadata

Getting Started


  • Python 3.8+
  • Install dependencies with:
    pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the Application

  1. Train the model: To train the machine learning model with available data:

    python doorcam/train.py
  2. Make predictions: After training, you can run predictions using:

    python doorcam/predict.py
  3. Start the application: To run the web interface:

    python doorcam/app.py


Configuration for the system is stored in doorcam/config.yaml. You can modify this file to adjust parameters such as model settings, logging preferences, and more.


Unit tests are located in the tests/ directory. Run the tests using:

python -m unittest discover tests


Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests if you would like to contribute to the project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.