
The aim of this repo is to develop a ML model which can predict stock price trends. In order train this model, I am webscraping minute by minute financial data and saving this in a usable format. Additionally, this data will be published freely on this repo.

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The aim of this repo is to develop a ML model which can predict stock price trends with accuracies high enough to be used on the real market. As this is partially to develop my own programming skills, I have experimented with a broad range of methods including Regression, Classification and Neural Networks from Sklearn, Tensorflow and more. In an attempt to avoid paying for minute by minute data, I have developed a script whcih webscrapes this data from Yahoo-Finance. It is saved it within this repo under Proj1_....

This overall task is broken down into sub-projects and have been listed in chronological order (Proj1, Proj2, etc.). Over time, I have been developing my coding skills so there are several code snippits that are improved on as one progresses through the projects. The code packages in each sub-folder are self contained and can be run on a local machine without the need for any additional .csv files for example.

It is worth noting that only the python scripts are required. All additional content (.csv, .pickle, folder, etc.) are not needed as the scripts automatically generate these when run. For specific information on how these programs run, see sub-folder 'README.md' sections.

Note: Click on project sub-folders for output graphs and diagrams...