
Challenge implementation of a book finder app for the application at Digital Product School.

Primary LanguageDart

Welcome to book_finder!

Hi there 👋!
This is my book finder implementation for Digital Product School's assessment challenge. I opted for a responsive Flutter application with a real-time database using Google Firestore. Fully functional prototypes including frontend & backend for mobile (Android) and web as seen below. The web version deployed on Google Firebase hosting can be found at this link.
Enjoy 📕!

Full product at a glance

Android Web
Mobile app product Web app product
Deployed web page

Instructions & Hints

To set up the book_finder application on your own devices, please follow the following guidance steps:

  1. To start the project, please open the project in your favorite IDE (Android Studio, IntelliJ, ...).
  2. The first file you are looking for is the lib/main.dart file.
  3. Execute the main.dart file. The app may either be deployed on a web or android device.


Full challenge at DPS challenge webpage!

Mission 1: Create a BookFinder App

  • An application where users can search for books by entering a query. It should contain at least 2 pages:
    • Where you can add new book(title of the book, author, published date)
    • Where you can see the list of all books and user can enter a search query into an input field.
  • You can have a frontend only solution, storing the contacts in your frontend application only or can have a separate backend for handling the storage.

Mission 2: Publish your source code & Deploy

Publish your source code in a github repository. We’d like to see the steps how you arrived at the solution, so please make sure to commit every step you did and not just the final application in 1 or 2 commits. If you are not familiar with github, follow the instructions here.

The next step is to deploy the app. The app can be deployed to a cloud service. You can use (aws, google cloud, heroku or whatever you prefer, they usually all provide a freetier).

Mission 3: Submit URL of my work

Submission via HTTP post request, details at challenge webpage.