- 0
The number of attention heads of TinyMIM-Tiny*
#11 opened by casiatao - 0
About det task?
#10 opened by wulele2 - 1
ViT Large teacher pretrained model?
#9 opened by Qiulin-W - 1
finetune with DeiT style
#8 opened by dulibubai - 1
Thank you for doing such an excellent work and open source. After I tried to use your distillation, the network did not learn when I was fine-tuning. Have you encountered related problems?
#7 opened by newLLing - 1
- 1
Number of attention heads for vit-tiny
#4 opened by LiuDongyang6 - 4
- 8
- 2
- 1
Path of paper in readme to be updated
#1 opened by PrinceP