
Visualization of a calendar app for a beginners' CompSci lab at Linköping University

Primary LanguageCommon Lisp

========== Almavis ==========
This project aims to create a graphical interface for Lab 4 in the course
TDDC67 (Funktionell programmering och Lisp) at Linköping University.

It is built as an extension on top of an already existing backend calendar
system used by students to learn the fundamentals of abstraction.

The interface is written in Common Lisp using the CLIM2 specification. It
currently runs on McClim but will be changed to run on Allegro later on.

In the future, when the graphical interface works for the university, I
might redo the backend in a more normal fashion and repurpose it again
to fit McClim, so that it might be used as an example app for that

The system is loaded by loading the file almavis.lisp. In it, you will
also find instructions for what the other files do.

Author: Oliver Uvman
