
Part of a recent technical take home test.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Tech Test OliverSW

View the project on Netlify

Run the project locally

  1. Download the repository to your local machine
  2. Run npm i within the repository
  3. Run npm run dev to create a development version that can be accessed locally
  4. Alternatively you can run npm run build followed by npm run preview to view a production-like version of the build.

Stack and technology choices

  • This project was scaffolded using Vite as a lightweight alternative to Create React App, better suited to small projects such as this. If it was intended for actual use or production I would likely have used CRA since it is more tested.
  • Similarly, I opted to use the fetch API rather than a module such as Axios for the sake of simplicity. I try to avoid adding unnecessary modules wherever possible, but in a production app I would likely use something like Axios for API calls.
  • The CSS is very basic and contained in a single stylesheet. I wanted to include some styles but not to focus on them, so I kept them as minimal as possible.


  • I made some assumptions in my build that in other circumstances I would first try to confirm with a colleague, designer, or via user testing:
    • The users want to see some information up front, but not necessarily all of it - I included an initial display of data after the initial fetch request and limited it to 20 videos so it wouldn't be overwhelming.
    • The users will either search via a search term or by tag - I was concerned about the speed of filtering through the large list of videos, so I opted to only search through video titles and teacher names when it came to search terms.

Known bugs and issues

  • Pressing enter does not begin a search when typing in the search bar
  • Searching for specific terms does not handle variations of capitalization or punctuation

Features that I would like to have implemented

  • I would like to have made the rendered tags clickable, where it would then search the list for that tag. Something similar for teachers would be nice to have as well.
  • The user might find some kind of autocomplete or tag suggestion useful in the tag search, since it is not necessarily obvious what tags they can search for
  • Ultimately handling the returned data on the backend might be more efficient than doing all of the searching and filtering on the front end.
  • I would have liked to be able to write some more tests, possible some integration tests as the project is currently limited to unit tests.