by Chris Dritsas

Appointment Scheduler


This was a take-home interview project for a company. It was timboxed to 4 hours. I have since extended it.

  • Ask:

    • "Prototype a web application for scheduling an appointment"
  • Input:

    • "Given a CSV dataset that contains the active coaches and their weekly schedule of their available hours, Output the following User Stories:"
  • Output:

    • As a User, I want to see which coaches I can schedule with.

    • As a User, I want to see what 30 minute timeslots are available to schedule with a particular coach.

    • As a User, I want to book an appointment with a coach at one of their available times.

  • Anit-Requirements:

    • You can't do it all. We respect your time, and expect that you will have to make choices and tradeoffs for what is in scope for your deliverable.

    • Don't worry about authentication. Assume a non-authenticated experience to keep things simple.

    • Pick your stack. Choose any libraries that help you produce the highest quality work in the time available.



Pull Requests

I've setup this up, and am developing as I would in a normal Dev environment with other engineers.

This is a public repo (open source) so feel free to push a new branch and create a Pull Request for me with any questions!

  • I have been pushing branches and creating PR's on Github (ready for code review):

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  • I have added a couple helpful integrations - CodeClime (Rubocop) and CircleCI (Rspec's):

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  • Making use of inline Todo comments while working through the feature to show progress:

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  • Rebasing my git commits (git rebase -i origin/master) for better clairity in the Git logs:

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Local Setup

  • bundle install
  • bundle exec rails db:setup
  • bundle exec rails import:all_data:from_csv

Run RSpec's

  • bundle exec rspec

  • bundle exec rspec -f d --tag ~skip (to skip pending tests)

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Run Rubcop

  • bundle exec rubocop

Run App Locally

  • bundle exec rails s
  • http://localhost:3000/

App Screenshots

  • Mobile Ready (Responsive)

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  • Schedule a coaches time

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