How to run

python <cookies_U>

How to get cookies_U

  1. You should be in the whitelist of Bing/new
  2. Log in Bing/new and search one time in BingChatGPT
  3. Inspect -> Application -> Cookies -> Search "_U"


Do not create conversation frequently. It might remove your account from Bing/new whitelist. :(

API usage

  1. call POST {host}/create_conversation with the body {"userId": "OlivierShi"}

The passed userId is a new-created concept in this PR, which is not the user account of Bing/new. This userId should be in the whitelist.txt and I write this simple logic to avoid too many uncontrollable requests.

It will return below information.

    "conversationId": ,
    "clientId": ,
    "conversationSignature": ,

image 2. call POST {host}/chatgpt with the below body,

  "prompt": "I love Three-Body.",
  "clientId": "",
  "conversationId": "",
  "conversationSignature": "",
  "invocationId": 0

where clientId, conversationId, conversationSignature and invocationId is the response from create_conversation API.


What is amazing

We can create multiple conversation sessions at the same time using a single Bing account with API POST {host}/create_conversation. In addition, those active sessions will not influence each other and multiple conversation can be processed independently within a single Bing account.

bing API contracts

  1. response body of
    "conversationId": None,
    "clientId": None,
    "conversationSignature": None,
            "value": "Success", 
            "message": None
  1. request body of wss://
    "arguments": [
            "source": "cib",
            "optionsSets": [
            "isStartOfSession": {isStartOfSession},
            "message": {
                "author": "user",
                "inputMethod": "Keyboard",
                "text": {prompt},
                "messageType": "Chat",
            "conversationSignature": {conversation_signature},
            "participant": {
                "id": {client_id},
            "conversationId": {conversationId},
    "invocationId": {invocationId},
    "target": "chat",
    "type": 4,
  1. response body of wss://

BingChatGPT-API contracts

Create conversation

POST {host}/create_conversation

  1. request body
    "userId": "OlivierShi"
  1. response body
    "conversationId": ,
    "clientId": ,
    "conversationSignature": ,
  • conversationId: to identify a conversation session
  • clientId: to identify a user
  • conversationSignature: to sign the data/message for this conversation session
  • invocationId: to identify the invocation sequence. 0 stands for the first turn of a conversation.

Chat with bing chatGPT

POST {host}/chatgpt

  1. request body
    "prompt": "I love watching 'Three-Body'.",
    "conversationId": ,
    "clientId": ,
    "conversationSignature": ,
  1. response body
    "message": "",
    "conversationId": ,
  • message: is from Bing-ChatGPT
  • conversationId: to identify a conversation session, is same with request conversationId
  • invocationId: is one plus the request invocationId
