Project Base for Vaadin and Spring Boot

This project can be used as a starting point to create your own Vaadin application with Spring Boot. It contains all the necessary configuration and some placeholder files to get you started.

The best way to create your own project based on this starter is - you can get only the necessary parts and choose the package naming you want to use.

Running the Application

While developing the application, it is recommended to launch the Application class in debug mode from your IDE.

After the application has started, you can view your it at http://localhost:8080/ in your browser.


Open the Application class, right click on it and select "Debug as..." --> "Java Application"

Intellij IDEA

Open the Application class, right click on it and select "Debug 'Application.main()'"

Command line

From the command line you can use ./mvnw spring-boot:run to run your application.

You should not launch the Maven spring-boot:run target from your IDE as it will prevent breakpoints and debugging from working because it forks a new process. It might also prevent the server from being shut down properly, especially in Eclipse.

If you want to run the application in the production mode, use ./mvnw spring-boot:run -Pproduction.

Remote debugging using IDE + command line

For advanced cases it can be useful to run the application from command line and attach to it from an IDE when you want to debug something. The project is set up to listen for a debug connection on port 5005 out of the box so if you run ./mvnw spring-boot:run you can connect by adding a remote Java launch configuration to your IDE.

Running Integration Tests

Integration tests are implemented using Vaadin TestBench. The tests take a few minutes to run and are therefore included in a separate Maven profile. We recommend running tests with a production build to minimize the chance of development time toolchains affecting test stability. To run the tests using Google Chrome, execute

mvn verify -Pit,production

and make sure you have a valid TestBench license installed.

Profile it adds the following parameters to run integration tests:

If you would like to run a separate test make sure you have added these parameters to VM Options of JUnit run configuration

Live Reload (optional)

With live reload, you can see the results of your code changes immediately. When you edit your Java code and recompile it, the application changes will be automatically reloaded and the browser is refreshed. This is done by leveraging Spring Boot Developer Tools. To be able to see the changes in the browser tab, the page still needs to be reloaded. That can also be automated via a LiveReload browser extension. One such extension for Google Chrome is LiveReload. In Firefox, LiveReload - Web extension can be used. You can find such similar extensions for other major browsers too. These extensions add an icon to your browser next to the address bar. To enable the extension, you should click that icon after you opened your application.

You can find more information at Live Reload in Spring Boot Applications document.


Vaadin web applications are full-stack and include both client-side and server-side code in the same project.

Directory Description
frontend/ Client-side source directory
    index.html HTML template
    index.ts Frontend entrypoint
    main-layout.ts Main layout Web Component (optional)
    views/ UI views Web Components (TypeScript / HTML)
    styles/ Styles directory (CSS)
src/main/java/<groupId>/ Server-side source directory Server entrypoint application-shell configuration

Useful links