
Repository for ICM Oct 27 workshop

Primary LanguageJavaScript


As final project season approaches, you may feel the weight of coming up with a "big" "important" idea. This workshop is about doing the opposite: create a project based on random instructions from a bot. What can you do in 2 hours as a collaboration of three random ICM students with three random things (action, technology, topic) put together?


  • ITP Lounge
  • Friday, Oct 27th
  • 11am - 2pm
  • Bring your laptop and anything else you might want to use to create.


  1. Arrive at the ITP Lounge a 5 minutes before 11am on Friday, Oct 27th.
  2. Listen to a short schpiel.
  3. Find your [group of three] -- LINK TO COME!
  4. Generate your project instructions!
  5. Start making stuff
  6. At 1pm, make a 3 second GIF of your work. E-mail the GIF and your instructions to icm.madness@gmail.com.
  7. Write a short post about your experience on this [shared wordpress blog] -- LINK TO COME!
  8. Take a break to eat some pizza and gather back in the lounge at 1:30pm.
