
Library for controlling Xiaomi Yeelight Smart LED Bulb

Primary LanguageF#BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


Library for controlling Xiaomi Yeelight Smart LED Bulb.

Getting started

Install the NuGet package into your application.

Package Manager

Install-Package Yeelight


dotnet add package Yeelight


All functions take an IPAddress for the target light.

let address = IPAddress.Parse "192.168.0.x"

Many functions take an Effect that determines the behaviour of an operation.

type Effect =
	// Instantaneous with no delay
	| Sudden
	// Gradual with the specified duration in milliseconds
	| Smooth of uint32

All functions return a Response with the value Ok for a successful request, or an Error that contains a message.

type Response = Ok | Error of string


type Power = Off | On
// Set power
address |> Yeelight.setPower Yeelight.Off Yeelight.Sudden
address |> Yeelight.setPower Yeelight.On Yeelight.Sudden

// Switch off and on
address |> Yeelight.off Yeelight.Sudden
address |> Yeelight.on Yeelight.Sudden

// Toggle off and on
address |> Yeelight.toggle


// Percentage: 1 - 100
type Brightness = int
// Set brightness to 50%
address |> Yeelight.setBrightness 50 Yeelight.Sudden


// Kelvin: 1700 - 6500
type Temperature = int
// Set temperature to 3500 K
address |> Yeelight.setTemperature 3500 Yeelight.Sudden


Color can be set using either RGB or HSV.

// 0 - 255
type Red = int
type Green = int
type Blue = int

// 0 - 359
type Hue = int

// 0 - 100
type Saturation = int

type Color =
	// Triple of red, green, blue
	| Rgb of Red * Green * Blue
	// Tuple of hue, saturation
	| Hsv of Hue * Saturation
// Set color to red = 255, green = 0, blue = 127
address |> Yeelight.setColor (Yeelight.Rgb (255, 0, 127)) Yeelight.Sudden

// Set color to hue = 180, saturation = 50
address |> Yeelight.setColor (Yeelight.Hsv (180, 50)) Yeelight.Sudden


type Name = string
// Set name to "Bedroom"
address |> Yeelight.setName "Bedroom"

Note: When using the Yeelight official app, the device name is stored in the cloud. This method instead stores the name in device's persistent memory, so the two names may differ.