
Scripts and methods to use PowerFactory in engine mode. Specifically for RMS simulations

Primary LanguagePython

Powerfactory dynamic simulations code for IEEE 118 bus system


├── Modules/pfsim.py         # Modules to cover most powerfactory functionality regarding RMS simulations
├── Scripts/                 # Scripts utilising modules for specific simulation tasks


  • init : initialises Powerfactory in engine mode and activates project and study case
  • return_objects: prints network elements of interest within currently activated project
  • set_loads: will set system loads randomly from a probability distrubution
  • reset_loads_to_nominal: resets all loads in the system from values previously saved to a .csv file
  • get_loads_from_file: read and return loads saved in a csv file
  • set_all_loads_pq: sets all active and reactive loads in the system. Scaling of loads can also be achieved.
  • get_all_loads_pq: return all current system active and reactive loads
  • set_dispatch: set system dispatch to match system loads
  • prepare_dynamic_sim: prepares dynamic simulation initial conditions and runs load flow
  • enable_short_circuits: lines are by default unavailable. This function sets available for all lines in system
  • create_short_circuit: creates a short circuit in Powerfactory's events folder
  • delete_short_circuit: removes short circuit from events folder
  • run_dynamic_sim: executes RMS simulation
  • get_voltage_scan: returns results voltage violations from simulation scan
  • get_frequency_scan: returns results frequency violations from simulation scan
  • calculate_system_inertia: calculates total system inertia given a specific operating condition
  • calculate_spinning_reserve: calculates total system spinning reserve given a specific operating condition
  • get_dynamic_results: returns simulation results
  • prepare_loadflow: prepares conditions for power flow calulation
  • run_loadflow: executes power flow calculation
  • get_bus_voltages: returns all bus voltages following power flow calculation

Example scripts

├── rms_sim.py                   # runs multiple RMS simulations in a loop and saves simulation results to .csv
├── cct.py                       # calculates critical clearing time for each line in the system
├── accessing_elements.py        # returns elements of interest
├── save_nominal_loads.py        # Saves nominal system loads to .csv for future reference
├── set_loads.py                 # 
├── prob_load_flow.py            # Executes load flow in loop drawing params from normal probability distrubution
├── adjacency_matrix.py          # Constructs adjacency matrix for system topology