
Script to update a DNS record in AWS Route 53 with the current external IP (if the IP has changed).

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Main features and goal

Designed for Synology NAS. Update a DNS record within AWS Route 53 with the current external IP. The route 53 post will be made only if the IP has changed (previous known IP is stored via a txt file). Useful for internet connection without static IP address. Makes your domain point to your IP. Will pop up a notification in DSM for all user which are members of 'administrators'.


  • A Synology NAS with DSM
  • Node installed (via DSM packet store)
  • Node required packages locally installed
  • An AWS account with a user with an access and secret key with the IAM role route53:ChangeResourceRecordSets and route53:ListResourceRecordSets on the required domain name
  • The Zone ID of the route 53 managed domain
  • The domain / subdomain itself


  1. Install node via DSM store
  2. Download / copy-paste script synoDNSUpdater.js and package.json to a local folder on the NAS filesystem
  3. Install node dependencies along with the script :
  npm install
  1. Edit the configuration of the script with required settings


  node synoDNSUpdater.js

Launch the script via task scheduler

  1. In Synology DSM, go to "Control pannel" and then go to "Task planner"
  2. Create a new task via "Create" > "User defined script"
  3. Name your task, choose the executing user (must have access to the script itself)
  4. Enter the script, something like that :
  cd /path/to/folder/containing/script
  node /path/to/folder/containing/script/synoDNSUpdater.js
  1. Set the schedule as you want