# Domain Service

The smart contract was written using solidity. The contract allows people to purchase and register
their domain names similar to the various popular .eth and .sol usernames.
Each registered domain name is represented as a nft with on-chain metadata. The nft can be traded on nft marketplaces like opensea.
The price for registering is determined by the length of the username. The smart contract code is located in thecontracts directory

To deploy the contract on the local blockchain, clone the repo and run npm install to install the project dependencies.
Then run npx hardhat run scripts/run.js The frontend was written using react and is located in react frontend directory

The contract has been deployed on polygon testnet, mumbai - https://mumbai.polygonscan.com/address/0xafE067abC5FbA7fDd0955282e16D004C33fD9F42.
The user interface was deployed on vercel @ https://domain-service-two.vercel.app/