
Developer resources, tools, humour and events.

Developer Resources

A place where we share all the useful developer resources we've discovered. Like what you see? You can also check out our website www.developernation.net

This is just the beginning! As we grow this list, we'll create separate repositories for each category, but for now you can enjoy all the resources in one place.

If you've got a resource that you'd like to add to here, we'd love to hear from you.Simply get in touch in via discussions. If you find these resources helpful, leave a star! We also share these resources in our fortnightly newsletter which you can sign up to here. We give away a cosy hoodie each month to a reader.

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Difference between MVVM vs MVC. The major key differences such as architecture, operation, advantages, and limitations are discussed in this article. [EDUCBA]

Sending iOS push notifications via APNs. This blog post discusses in detail the APN services, enable and register for remote notifications, device token ids, and APN node package with the help of a sample iOS. [ENGINEYARD]

How I hacked an Android app for a premium feature. Merab rewrote the bytecode to unlock premium features of the app on his device and now he shows you how to prevent it from happening to your apps. [PROANDROIDDEV]

Using WebSockets in Flutter. This article explores how we can use our own WebSockets to create applications that display real-time data to our users. [LOGROCKET]

What's new in DigitalOcean App Platform? There's enhanced security, insights and DBaaS integration. [DIGITALOCEAN]

Does cloud backup protect against ransomware? As businesses aggressively move to the cloud for housing business-critical data, the cloud is becoming a target for hackers launching ransomware attacks. [VIRTUALIZATIONHOWTO]

5 things to consider when making a video to promote your app or game. How can you show an app or game in your video in a way that attracts new users? [GAMEDEV]

Building a healthy and secure software supply chain. Securing the software supply chain is now an everyday concern for developers. As attackers increasingly target open-source components as a way to compromise the software supply chain, developers hold the keys to making their projects as secure as they can be. [DOCKER]

Linux, happy 30th birthday! What the future holds for Linux. Jack Wallen explains how Linux has changed computing for the better and ponders what might be next for the open source OS created by Linus Torvalds. [TECHREPUBLIC]

It's time to retire the CSV. Despite its ubiquity and ease of access, CSV is a wretched way to exchange data. The time has long passed to retire CSV and replace it with something better. [BITSONDISK]

A brief history of Quantum Mechanics. [VIDEO] The mysterious world of quantum mechanics has mystified scientists for decades. But this mind-bending theory is the best explanation of reality that we have. [YOUTUBE]

Software engineer and hitting 40, how to set up for another 20 years of coding. A sane software engineer in their 40s, who is still coding is definitely on the list of endangered species. [LARSHAENDLER.MEDIUM]]

That Salesforce outage: Global DNS downfall started by one engineer trying a quick fix." We found a circular dependency where the tool that we use to get into production had a dependency on the DNS servers being active". [THEREGISTER]

Angular launches a new feature request process. You can view their new process in this blog post. [BLOG.ANGULAR]

Watch out: These unsubscribe emails only lead to further spam. Scammers use fake 'unsubscribe' spam emails to confirm valid email accounts to be used in future phishing and spam campaigns. [BLEEPINGCOMPUTER]

The battle of the data platform. This post discusses what the next big thing in tech in the ‘20s will be and which companies look like the main contenders. [CPARD]

82% of developers get this 3 line CSS quiz wrong. Before you read the full article, take a moment to think about what you would vote! [LEA.VEROU]

What's the best place to host Next.js site? You’ve built your Next.js site and now you want to put it online for the world to see. Which platform is the best to host it? [KONTENT]

Hello, world. Meet Developer Nation! It’s a new era for our community, Developer Economics is now Developer Nation. With a new name comes a new responsibility, read about our vision, and how you can get involved. [DEVELOPERNATION]

The sentences about XR I’m tired of hearing. Skarredghost decided to write this satirical post to list some of these sentences about XR that he's tired of hearing about. [SKARREDGHOST]

The Simpsons meets Data Visualization. Armed with access to just about anything that Homer has ever said, Adam Reevesman couldn’t resist putting on his data scientist hat in order to tease out some insights from one of the most prominent animated television shows of the past three decades. [TOWARDSDATASCIENCE]

The worst question you can ask a software developer. Managers ask it. Developers hate it. Can you guess what it is? [BETTERPROGAMMING]

An in-depth look at Angular 12. Angular 12 has just been released. Time to discover what’s new!. [JAVASCRIPT.PLAINENGLISH]

Why programmers should add journaling to their daily routine. See the benefits of tracking moods, goals, happiness and habits. [DEVTO]

The art of accessing APIs. An overview of what APIs are, examples of popular APIs, and a brief tutorial on how to make requests. [CODEBURST]

Understanding the Node.js event Loop. JavaScript is single-threaded, so how does it handle asynchronous code without blocking the main thread while it waits for an action to complete? [DZONE]

Open Source on Mars: Community powers NASA’s Ingenuity Helicopter. Nearly 12,000 people contributed code, documentation, graphic design, and more to the open source software that made Ingenuity’s launch possible. To celebrate this moment in open source history, GitHub added a new badge to profiles of those contributors. [GITHUB]

To overcome imposter syndrome, think in systems. Success comes when you work intelligently within a system of interconnected parts. Understanding the system you’re in, and the intelligent ways in which you interact with it, goes a long way towards understanding the success you’ve achieved—and overcoming imposter syndrome. [ALIFEOFPRODUCTIVITY]

Don’t we all just want to use SQL on the frontend? When we consume REST, GraphQL, or RPC APIs from the frontend, most of the time these api calls just end up being translated into SQL statements on the backend. So why don’t we just write SQL in the frontend to begin with? [VJPR.MEDIUM]

The unconventional Developer Advocate? Want to know more about the person behind the Developer Economics newsletter? [DEVTO]

What most developers get wrong about bugs? Who’s to blame for bugs? Blame developers? Blame testers? [LEVELUP.GITCONNECTED]

The best way to stay up to date with C# 10 features. This blog post contains some useful links for developers who want to stay on the cutting edge of the C# programming language.. [PRODUCTIVECSHARP]

The engineer’s complete guide to code quality. There are lots of ways you can improve your code quality, make it easier to review and test and reduce the pain later of having to fix all of the errors. Let's take a look. [DZONE]

Two approaches to win an argument as a software engineer. Here's how to get your point across effectively. [HUMANWHOCODES]

Why are Java server-side developers not adopting Kotlin? [MEDIUM]

Using a computer chair the right way. What should you pay attention to? [NPMAWESOME]

Arts and culture activities for your health and wellbeing. Like regular exercise or a good night’s sleep, the arts are proving important to our health and wellbeing. [BLOG.GOOGLE]

For the first time in years, someone is building a web browser from scratch. It’s one of the most daunting tasks in software. But by starting with a blank slate, Flow wants to make web browsing better on cheap hardware. [MEDIUM]

The "Software Support" Economy. [4 min video] Very interesting development on the software support economy. Infrastructure tools (email, marketing, accounting, CRM,etc) for SMBs are not just opening to developers. They are also opening to partners who will specialise in setting up those tools for small businesses. [CLEMENT.VOUILLON]

The pain points of C# source generators. For those that are unaware, source generators are a new feature added to C# whereby one can analyse existing source code and generate new source code all from C# itself. [TURNERJ]

The future of web software Is HTML-over-WebSockets. The future of web-based software architectures is already taking form, and this time it’s server-rendered (again). Papa’s got a brand new bag: HTML-over-WebSockets and broadcast everything all the time. [ALISTAPART]

Developers: stop writing these comments! There is technically no right or wrong when it comes to comments, but comments can have a big impact on efficiency. They can make developers’ lives much easier. Let’s take a look at some day-to-day comments and see how we can improve them. [ITNEXT]

How Microsoft is making Windows a better developer platform. Microsoft has been revamping Windows to make it more attractive to developers. What has it done, and why? [TECHREPUBLIC]

What's an NFT? And why are people suddenly spending millions on them? Sports leagues, artists and speculative investors pouring money into non-fungible tokens. [CBC]

[VIDEO] The error of our ways. What happens when things break? What happens when software fails? We regard it as a normal and personal inconvenience when apps crash or servers become unavailable, but what are the implications beyond the individual user? [YOUTUBE]

How DevOps will change now that remote working is here to stay. The primary focus of DevOps is to establish smooth, secure, and effective performance and collaboration — something all businesses need right now. [DZONE]

Do I really need Kubernetes? This article tries to look beyond the hype and help you answer the question: do I actually need Kubernetes? [CONTENTLAB]

Call a Dev. In case you missed it on Hacker News, this is something we're sure you'll enjoy checking out. Live programming help just a call away, and for devs looking for work, here's your chance to get paid to help programmers. [CALLADEV]

Optimize for simplicity first. We can’t optimize for everything in software engineering, so we need to start with something, and that something should be simple code and simple architecture. [QVAULT]

Automate code formatting in Python. Code reviews are a great way to learn. Letting automation handle minutiae like code style leaves more time for devs to look at the bigger aspects of the code. [DZONE]

Developers: Stop Writing These Comments! There is technically no right or wrong when it comes to comments, but comments can have a big impact on efficiency. They can make developers’ lives much easier. Let’s take a look at some day-to-day comments and see how we can improve them.

How one developer recreated AirDrop using just JavaScript. SnapDrop.net, created by Robin Linus, lets you directly share files between any device with a browser. Doesn't matter if it's between iPhone and Android or a tablet with a PC. [DEVTO]

10 things I wish I’d learned sooner after being a developer for 10 years. I’m prone to reminiscing, especially while being stuck in the house in the middle of a global pandemic, so I sat down and revisited my greatest hits. [MEDIUM]

How Apple just changed the entire industry. A thorough and easy to understand video covering the basics behind desktop/mobile CPUs. [YOUTUBE]

Voice search in mobile applications and websites. For many, voice search only or primarily refers to search engine optimization for voice queries. This is a valid use case for voice, but not the only one. Voice could (and should) also be available on all websites and applications. [SPEECHLY]

Progressive Web Apps in 2021. Maximiliano Firtman discusses the current status, market share, what's new, what's missing, new challenges and new capabilities. [FIRTDEV]

An Introduction to Channels in C#. Jeremy provides an introduction to channels and looks at an example that mirrors some code from the Go programming language (golang). This will provide you with an idea of the syntax and how channels work. [JEREMYBYTES]

5 Challenges for a Freelance Developer Thinking about becoming a freelance developer? Here are some common challenges, pros, cons and trade-offs you may encounter choosing this career path. [DEVELOPERCONOMICS]

Finding a software developer mentor when you're a newbie. Whether you're just out of university or you just graduated from a coding boot camp, you'll need help from mentors to become the best developer you can be. [DZONE]


7 DevOps books to read in 2021. If you are looking to learn more about Ansible, Azure, Docker, Terraform, Kubernetes, and their roles in DevOps, then this blog post is for you. [DEVELOPERECONOMICS]

Five frontend books you should read in 2021. What skills are you planning to learn as a frontend developer this year? [DEVELOPERECONOMICS]

Eight must-read books for developers in 2021. What are the top books on your reading list this season? Whether you’re learning a new skill or adding depth to your existing knowledge in a particular development area, it’s always a good idea to get a few more recommendations to your list. [DEVELOPERECONOMICS]


11 professional goals statement examples for your next job search. Goals are very motivating factors to have in your professional life. They will help inspire you to get your work done because you will have a clear vision of what you’re working toward and what you need to do to get there. [DEVELOPGOODHABITS]

How to ask for a raise in 2021: 5 tips. How can you make a case for a raise now, even amid the pandemic? Consider this expert advice to get the salary increase you deserve in 2021. [ENTERPRISERSPROJECT]


Front-end developer skills you must have. Front-end developers require a combination of technical and soft abilities. If you’re pursuing a career as a Front-end Developer, these are the talents you’ll need to develop. [INTERVIEWBIT]

Top 50 data structure and algorithms interview questions for programmers. Frequently asked programming interview questions from different interviews for programmers at different levels of experience. [MEDIUM.JAVAREVISITED]

Send mails programmatically with Sendgrid. Learn to send emails from your NextJs Application using SendGrid. [SAYURIKAMBLE.HASHNODE]

Building the same app 5 times. Here are Sammy's experiences with jQuery, Angular, React, Vue, and Svelte [DEVTO]

Google Style Guides. Style guides for Google-originated open-source projects. [GOOGLE.GITHUB]

How to overcome dread tasks. There are things you want to do. There are things you need to do. Sometimes these are the same. This post is how to handle life when they aren’t. [DCGROSS]

How to choose the right online course or platform when you’re learning to code. What should a course include to ensure that your learning experience is optimal so that you both complete the course and successfully learn the content? Without such an evaluation, you may find yourself drifting from course to course in a perpetual state of confusion which brings about frustration, and may lead you to give up. [FREECODECAMP]

Multiple views on how to choose a visualization. Most quick reference guides advise you which visualization to use based on what you want people to see in the data. That’s tougher at the analysis stage, when you don’t yet know what’s there to see. [MEDIUM]

How to measure developer productivity (and how not to). If you’re using software development productivity metrics to evaluate developer performance, then you’re doing it wrong. For best results, tie them to business outcomes. [ARN]

How to review code for vulnerabilities. Performing a code review helps find vulnerabilities in applications. Static analysis is the most efficient way of uncovering most vulnerabilities in your applications. [DZONE]

10 ways to build influence as a remote employee. How do you build influence when you're not in the building? Many people are exploring this question during the pandemic. Consider these real-world tips for remote employees. [ENTERPRISERSPROJECT]

How to effectively scope your software projects. Angela Zhang learned that scoping is one of the hardest things to get right. Unfortunately, CS programs in universities don’t really teach you how to scope projects. Here's a consolidation of what she's learned on this topic. [FREECODECAMP]

How to become a better developer by asking questions. Asking questions is a critical part of building your own experience and becoming a better developer. [STEVEJGORDON]

How to improve your focus in 2021. Here are a few takeaways from Carmn Chung. [CARMENCHUNG]

The worry list. [Podcast] How to step back from all of the things you are worrying about. [ALIFEOFPRODUCTIVITY]

How to be prepared for opportunities. How do you make the most of the opportunities? Here are some tips. [LIFEOPTIMIZER]

React performance optimization tips. In this post, Harsh looks into how we can improve the performance of React apps that need to render a lot of components on the screen. [DEVTO]


Explore Futures in Flutter. How to use the future in your flutter applications. [MEDIUM.FLUTTERDEVS]

Ultimate guide to Regular Expressions (RegEx) on JavaScript. Matching strings? Lookaheads? Flags? Let's learn more about it! [YURICODESBOT.HASHNODE]

GitLab offering free certification until April 31. The link to a Reddit thread provides further context - individual GitLab users who earn GitLab Certified Associate certification receive a certification logo they can share on social media to showcase their accomplishments. This helps highlight to colleagues and employers their foundational knowledge of how to use GitLab, and their capacity for growth in gaining additional GitLab skills going forward. [REDDIT]

Which AWS certification should you take first? The definitive answer. This article covers the certifications, their structure, and which certification to take first. [THEDEVCOACH]

IBM tries to tempt devs to eat its Qiskit, feeds them certification for quantum systems. The IBM Quantum Developer Certification is a 60-question certification exam offered on the Pearson VUE computer-based test platform. Unsurprisingly, those who pass the exam will have demonstrated experience using IBM’s Qiskit to create and execute quantum code for IBM quantum computers and simulators. The exam is available globally, but currently appears to be available only in English. [DEVCLASS]

Absolute start in machine learning. A useful post to help you get started in machine learning. [HEBERGEMENTWEBS]

What are low-code databases? What are some use cases for low-code databases and who are the main providers of low-code databases? VentureBeat share some of the answers. [VENTUREBEAT]

Learn easier & faster with side-effect learning. Sometimes the best way to learn is by accident. And some accidents can be...arranged. [YOUTUBE]

Structured vs. unstructured data: getting to know the difference. Get a clear understanding of the differences between structured and unstructured data and how you should utilize each in your strategy. [DZONE]

A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer. John Washam has created this great list which will prepare you well for a technical interview at just about any software company. [GITHUB.JWASHAM]

Angular - a development pattern. Learn about an FSM-based state transitions technique for developing robust Angular web applications. [DZONE]

WeChat Mini Program: an epic guide. 101: what are WeChat Mini Apps? How do they compare to native Apps and H5 mini-sites? [WECHATWIKI]

Can you become a successful software developer without a CS degree? Here is Natalia Venditto's opinion on this. Do you agree? [DEVTO]

Use GitHub like a PRO! [Video] - 8 secrets, tips and tricks. [YOUTUBE.CODERDAVE]

30 days to form a new habit of coding – are you in? GeeksforGeeks has launched 30 Days of Code, a free course where you can attempt one coding question every day for 30 days and can master your Data structure and Algorithm skills. [GEEKSFORGEEKS]


8 mobile app security best practices developers should follow. Best protected applications are those developed using the security by design approach when security is taken into account on the initial stages of the development process. [DEVTO]

Top 50 data structure and algorithms interview questions for programmers. Frequently asked programming interview questions from different interviews for programmers at different levels of experience. [MEDIUM.JAVAREVISITED]

Useful VS code extensions for front-end developers. Meet useful Visual Studio Code extensions for web developers: little helpers to minimize slow-downs and frustrations, and boost developer’s workflow along the way. [SMASHING.MAGAZINE]

Free cloud database services. A list of free cloud database services that you could use for your business. [BEJAMAS]

6 exceptional GitHub repos for all developers — part 2. What repos would you recommend? [MEDIUM]

A simplified glossary for machine learning and deep learning. Ajit Jaokar couldn't find a concise machine learning glossary for getting started in AI, so he created his own as a mechanism to teach AI (machine learning and deep learning).[AJITJAOKAR]

Top 20+ bootstrap dashboard templates to use absolutely free. Flatlogic have gathered a list of the most attractive admin dashboards for you to choose from. Build your website effortlessly and in record time with free Bootstrap admin templates. [FLATLOGIC]

Some libraries you can use with Vanilla JS. Here are some examples of their libraries that make Vanilla JS somewhat impeccable. [DEVTO]

Obscure mobile design techniques that boost UX. To inspire mobile designers, here's some clever design solutions to tackle mobile navigation, confirmation dialogs, animations, and gamifying the waiting experience. [SMASHING.MAGAZINE]

51 latest seminar topics for computer science engineering (CSE). This post will help you identify the most trending and latest seminar topics for CSE. [THECRAZYPROGRAMMER]

50 free tools and resources. Free stuff is always exciting. But, what if it is free and awesome? Free tools and resources you’re gonna love. [MARKODENIC]

Keep updated on latest iOS /Swift content.Filip Němeček has created this useful resource which aggregates over 400 blogs. [IOSFEEDS]

7 unique APIs for your next project. Need some inspiration for a new project? Check these out. [DEVTO]

8 traits of the most resilient person. Do you want to learn the traits of a resilient person so you can develop the trait within yourself? [LIFEHACK]

42 tips and tricks to write faster, better-optimized JavaScript code. Optimize your JavaScript code using modern techniques, tips, and tricks. [MEDIUM]

10 awesome sources of funding & grants for your indie game. Are you an indie game developer wondering how to fund your game? Perhaps some of these organisations and indie developer funds could be worth looking at. [NINICHIMUSIC]

Front-end performance checklist 2021. Everything you need to know to create fast experiences on the web today, from metrics to tooling and front-end techniques. [SMASHING.MAGAZINE]


KanbanFlow vs. Trello vs. nTask. Knowing the importance of project management software is one thing but to have an idea about the best project management software in the world is a completely different animal. [DZONE]

Why do I spend weeks avoiding tasks that will take me 10 minutes to do?' Procrastinating has less to do with time management and more to do with mood management. [VICE]


The art of data storytelling. This is an interesting inspiration for data storytelling. [JUICEANALYTICS]

Why software security is a skill all programmers should have. Developing good software is synonymous with ensuring that your software can withstand any malicious attack. This is only achievable through the writing of secure code, the continual testing of an application, and maintaining control of who has access to your data. [MAKEUSEOF]

Five key best practices for AWS cost optimisation – analysed. Optimising cloud costs is about striking a healthy balance between price and performance. You want your applications to have enough resources, but at the same time avoid cloud waste. Here are five tips to get you started on your AWS cost optimisation journey. [CLOUDCOMPUTING-NEWS]

Here are some app ideas you can build to level up your coding skills. Have you ever wanted to build something but you had no idea what to do? Here is a collection of application ideas which is intended to solve this issue once and for all! [MEDIUM]

Why developers procrastinate (and how to stop). Procrastination is an age-old struggle — and not just for developers. But people who do knowledge work are especially prone to it, because of how mental blocks can severely impact their work. [7PACE]

The ten rules of a zen programmer. The old Zen masters already knew hundreds of years ago, how today's programmers should work. [ZENPROGRAMMER]

How writing skills can help developers grow. With communication being the #1 in-demand skill today, writing can influence your engineering career more than you think. It's time to get the most out of it, agree? [DZONE]

Personal strategic planning. This is a 4-step action plan to strengthen your personal skills. [BRIANTRACY]

Keep current, stay employed: The most in-demand tech skills for 2021. Python, data security fundamentals, data analytics, Agile methodologies, DevOps & SecOps, and cloud fundamentals are also at the top of the best skills to have, according to a new report from Skillsoft.. [TECHREPUBLIC]

Change your brain. Dr. Huberman is here to school us on all things neuroplasticity---and how we can use it to our advantage through intense focus, mindfulness, and restorative sleep. Enjoy! [YOUTUBE]

Python Programming And Numerical Methods: A Guide For Engineers And Scientists. This notebook contains an excerpt from the Python Programming and Numerical Methods - A Guide for Engineers and Scientists, [PYTHONNUMERICAL]


GitLive. Extend your IDE with the real-time features remote development teams need to work together effectively. See what your teammates are working on and get notified of merge conflicts before you commit. Make video calls and code together live, VS Code to JetBrains. [GITLIVE]

AngularJS development tools for 2021. With the help of AngularJS development tools, you can easily create a platform to promote your business—from a simple interface to comparatively complex applications. The following are top trending AngularJS platforms that are growing in popularity by the day. [DEVELOPERECONOMICS]

Dev tools tabs explained — plus tips & tricks. [Podcast] In this episode of Syntax, Scott and Wes talk about dev tools tabs, what each tab does and how you can use them. [SYNTAX]

SQ. A free/libre open-source swiss-army knife to inspect, query, join, import, and export data. [SQ]

7 best performance testing tools to look out for in 2021. Comprehensive list of 7 best performance testing tools used widely by performance testing services in 2021 and their key features. [DZONE]

Comparing 9 code quality tools. It's always a good idea to have good code quality tools in your developer toolbox, helping you manage technical debt by writing clean and maintainable source code. [DZONE]

Java code quality tools recommended by developers. See what Java code tools are recommended by developers in this article. [DZONE]

Are these the most interesting front-end developer tools for 2021? A list of sixty tools for you to discover. [IMPRESSIVEWEBS]

Developer Ipsum. Matt Downing has created this fun text generator which he calls Lorem for nerds! [DEVELOPER.IPSUM]


Machine learning in stock market predictions. [Report] Is it just for professionals? Understanding ML/DS quant developers. [SLASHDATA]

The 2021 DevOps trend everyone is missing. DevOps is going through the roof. DevOps is everything and everything is DevOps nowadays. But there's one DevOps trend that Rami Honig is seeing that everyone else is missing. [DZONE]

Infographic: Programming languages adoption trends 2020. Which programming languages had notable changes in adoption trends in the last 3 years? Find the answers in our infographic with key findings from our Developer Economics 19th edition survey. [DEVELOPERECONOMICS]

Seven trends influencing DevOps and DevSecOps adoption in 2021. What are these trends and how can they influence DevOps and DevSecOps adoption in tech corporations worldwide? [CLOUDCOMPUTINGNEWS]

Top 5 computer vision trends that will rule 2021. Computer vision software is changing companies and making the lives of shoppers simpler as well as additionally fascinating. As a field, computer vision has got a lot of exposure and a good amount of investment. The North American market for computer vision programming has had a total investment of $120 million, while the Chinese market flooded to $3.9 billion. [ANALYTICSINSIGHTS]


Is it Pokémon or Big Data? A fun little microsite where you have to guess whether it’s a Big Data project or a Pokémon. Enjoy and let us know your score! [PIXELASTIC]

Debugging with choose-your-own-adventure-style puzzles. Julia Evans has started building some choose-your-own-adventure-style puzzles about debugging networking problems. She's created two so far "The Case of the Connection Timeout" and "The Case of the Slow Website". Check them out! [JVNS]

Can you beat 1024 bytes of JavaScript at Chess? A chess program that will baffle and destroy all but the most competent players. And all while a digitized Beth Harmon stares you down. [VICE]