Lendsqr Backend Interview

Api for Lendsqr backend interview test written in node js + typescript.


  • Node Js
  • MySQL
  • Paystack Account

Setup Database Using Docker (Optional)

Provided you have docker and docker compose installed on your machine, you can follow the steps below to spin up a mysql database

  • Update the key-value pairs under the field environment with your appropriate db credentials in the docker-compose.yml file
  • Update .env file database values to be in sync with that of the values specified in the docker-compose.yml file
  • Start a specific database docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml up -d <service_name> e.g docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml up -d test_db

ERD (Entity Relational Diagram)

ERD Documentation ER-Diagram

Steps To Start App

  • Clone the repo git clone https://github.com/Oluwatunmise-olat/Lendsqr-Backend-Interview-Test.git
  • Navigate to repo directory cd Lendsqr-Backend-Interview-Test
  • Create a .env file following the format as that in env.example file
  • Install project dependencies yarn install
  • Run migrations (Database should have been setup) yarn run migrate
  • Start application yarn run start:dev
  • Note: To receive Paystack webhooks you have to register a webhook url. For this, i recommend using ngrok as a reverse proxy.

Steps To Run Test

  • Create a test database either by following the docker setup above or manually creating one
  • Update the database credentials in the .env to match that of the created test database
  • Run migrations yarn run migrate
  • Run tests yarn run test

Postman Documentation

Run in Postman

Tools and Services Used

  • Node Js
  • Typescript
  • MySql
  • Knex
  • Paystack