
API to communicate with Fortnox (https://www.fortnox.se)

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


API to communicate with Fortnox (https://www.fortnox.se)

After cloning this repository from git, use Import Existing Maven Project to work with it in eclipse.

To successfully run mvn test

Copy file




and set your own credentials.

See the CLI guide If you need help getting the credentials


See the test classes in org.notima.api.fortnox.junit.* for coding examples on how to use this library.

The credentials for accessing a Fortnox entity are normally put in an xml-file and pointed to by

  • A constructor parameter pointing to the configuration file
  • An empty constructor and then calling setAccessToken with the credentials
  • OS Environment variable FORTNOX4JFILE pointing to configuration file
    ex. export FORTNOX4JFILE=/home/user/fortnoxClients.xml
  • Java Environment variable Fortnox4JFile pointing to configuration file.
    ex. -DFortnox4JFile=/home/user/fortnoxClients.xml

See the file FortnoxClientListSample.xml for an example of the file structure.


When you have a FortnoxClient.xml file you can easily retrieve a Fortnox client with the orgNo as a parameter.

String orgNo = "SOMETHING";

FortnoxClientInfo ci = null;
FortnoxClientList clist = FortnoxUtil.readFortnoxClientListFromFile("fortnoxClients.xml");
if (orgNo!=null) {
	ci = clist.getClientInfoByOrgNo(orgNo);
} else {
	ci = clist.getFirstClient();

FortnoxClient3 fclient = new FortnoxClient3(ci.getAccessToken(), ci.getClientSecret());


Releases are found in Maven-Central repository and can easliy be used by adding a dependency to your pom.xml.


Or karaf

install -s mvn:org.apache.httpcomponents/httpcore-osgi/4.4.12
install -s mvn:org.apache.httpcomponents/httpclient-osgi/4.5.10
install -s mvn:org.notima.piggyback-tools/0.0.2
install -s mvn:org.notima.api/fortnox4j

CLI guide


Your integration in Fortnox must have a redirect URI that matches this client. That redirect URI is


The easiest way to run the CLI is to create an assembly by running

mvn assembly:single

Usage: org.notima.api.fortnox.Fortnox4jCLI configfile command orgNo

If you have created the assembly you would type something like

java -jar target/fortnox4j-2.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar src/main/resources/FortnoxClientList.xml getAuthenticationCode 555555-5555


  • configfile: The Fortnox client list xml file to get client information from. The file should look like the FortnoxClientListSample.xml file in src/test/resources/
  • command: The command to execute. Possible commands are: getAuthenticationCode, getAccessToken. They are described below.
  • orgNo: The organization number of the client to perform the operation on. This is optional. The first client in the list will be used if this is omitted.


Used to get an authentication code that can be used to retrieve an access token.

This command will open a browser and allow the user to log in to a Fortnox account and then print the authentication code to the standard output.

In order to use the authentication code, it has to be manually copied into the client list file.




Used to retrieve an access token and refresh token from Fortnox.

The command will look for an authentication code in the client list file.

The credentials will be printed to the standard output. In order to use them, they have to be manually copied to the client list file.



Debug / logging

To see what's going on change the logger level to "DEBUG" in src/test/resources/log4j.xml