
Generate a comprehensive CSV reports that assess compute backups status for boot and block volumes

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


BackupInspector generates a comprehensive CSV reports that assess compute backups status for boot and block volumes.


  • BackupInspector :

    • searches for compute instances
    • retrieves all attached volumes
    • retrieves last backup details
    • analyzes unattached volumes
    • retrieves volume groups information
    • generates csv report
    • stores csv report locally or in an oci bucket
  • Parameters for execution:

Default authentication uses Instance Principals, meaning you can run this script from an OCI virtual machine without having to provide any details or credentials

Argument Parameter Description
-cs authenticate through CloudShell Delegation Token
-cf authenticate through local OCI config_file
-cfp config_file change OCI config_file path, default: ~/.oci/config
-cp config_profile indicate config file section to use, default: DEFAULT
-c compartment_ocid compartment to store the bucket report, default: root
-b bucket_name bucket name to store the report, default: reports_YOUR_TENANT_NAME
-rf report_folder local folder path to store the report, default: ~
-rn report_name name of the csv report, default: compute_backups_CURRENT_DATE_TIME
-nocloud if used: do not store csv report on OCI, default: False
-tlc compartment_ocid scan only a specific compartment, default: scan from root compartment
-rg region_name scan only a specific region, default: scan all subscribed regions
-h --help show this help message and exit

How to use

Default - No argument:
python3 ./OCI-BackupInspector.py

without arguments OCI-BackupInspector tries to authenticate using Instance Principals

Authenticate with local_config_file:
python3 ./OCI-BackupInspector.py -cf
Authenticate with custom local_config_file & profile:
python3 ./OCI-BackupInspector.py -cf -cfp /home/opc/myconfig -cp MyDomain
Authenticate in cloud_shell:
python3 ./OCI-BackupInspector.py -cs
custom parameters examples:
python3 ./OCI-BackupInspector.py -cf -rg eu-paris-1 -tlc ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaaurxxxx -b data_bucket -rn backups_of_my_instances

python3 ./OCI-BackupInspector.py rg eu-frankfurt-1 -nocloud -rf /home/opc/data/ -rn backups_of_my_instances

Terminal output Script Output

CSV report Script Output

Script Output

Script Output

Questions ?



Please test properly on test resources, before using it on production resources to prevent unwanted outages or unwanted bills.