Gemma PyTorch Implementation

This repository provides a pure PyTorch implementation of the Gemma model. It includes functionalities for loading weights, running inference, and implementing key features such as KVCache, RMSNorm, RotaryPositionEmbeddings, and Grouped Multi Query Attention.

Getting Started

Clone the Gemma Repository

First, clone the Hugging Face gemma repository:

git lfs install
git clone


Clone this repo and navigate to it:

git clone
cd GemmaFromScratch


python --prompt "Your input prompt here" --max_new_tokens 100 --temperature 1.0 --do_sample

Replace "Your input prompt here" with your input text. Adjust max_new_tokens, temperature, and do_sample as needed.

Features Implemented

  • KVCache: Efficiently manages key-value caches for attention mechanisms.
  • RMSNorm: Implements Root Mean Square Layer Normalization.
  • RotaryPositionEmbeddings: Applies rotary position embeddings.
  • Grouped Multi Query Attention: Optimizes multi-query attention mechanisms.


To generate text using the Gemma model, use the following command:

python --prompt "Once upon a time" --max_new_tokens 50 --temperature 0.7 --do_sample

This will generate a continuation of the prompt "Once upon a time" with a maximum of 50 new tokens and a temperature of 0.7.


This project is based on the Hugging Face transformers repository and is made with reference to their implementation of the Gemma model.