
This project is a part of Myntra-HackerRamp, which is a Hackathon hosted by Myntra which focuses on increasing user-engagement on the application.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Myntra Hacker-Ramp Project


This project for built for Myntra Hacker-Ramp Hackathon with two tracks in mind; namely, Socialize and Gamify Track. We mainly aim to increase the customer involvement, satisfaction and convenience increasing features.

Project Sub-Components

  1. Swipe Feature

    (for like and dislike products selected daily randomly, and so that customer spend more time on myntra)

  2. Friends Feature

    (to have friends and send & accept friend requests)

  3. View Friend's Wishlist

  4. Search Friends

  5. Chat with friends

  6. View your own profile

  7. Top like products based on

  8. Authentication

    (login, register and logout system using JWT)

Tech Stack Used :-

M: MongoDB E: Express JS R: React JS N: Node JS

For setting up Development Based environment to run our project, follow the instructions given below.

## Get The Files

Download the code zip file from our GitHub repository or run the following command in the folder you want to save our files in, using any terminal or command prompt

git clone https://github.com/Om-Bhagwat/Myntra-HackerRamp

Starting the Servers

Starting Backend Server (NODEJS)

change the directory to ./backend and run the following command

npm i
nodemon server.js

if you don't have nodemon install it via npm i -g nodemon

Starting Frontend Server (React)

change the directory to ./client and run the following command

npm i
npm start

Starting WebSocket Server (Provides Chat Facilities)

change the directory to ./websocket and run the following command

npm i
node server.js

Setup dev.env file in Backend Directory

create a dev.env file in ./backend directory.

In dev.env file define the PORT value for backend to start, TOKEN_SECRET for storing jwt authentication, DB_URL to store your MongoDB database server address.

# as an example
DB_URL=<here goes your MongoDB server address, local or online> 


Login Screen

Login Screen

Password Screen

Password Screen

Friends Section

Friends Section

Home Screen 1


Home Screen 2



Search Screen


Profile Page