
This gem simplifes/allows sending steam trade offers programmatically.

Primary LanguageRubyGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

z# steam-trade V0.3.3


This gem simplifes/allows sending steam trade offers programmatically.

this gem is primarly for trading cards, tho can be used to CS:GO and other games inventories


- hotfix login without api-key
- added send_trade_allow_request() (mobile confirmation) and confirm_all() (mobile confirmation)
- added cottage() , vote_2018() and sell_items()

- hotfix for cookie login

- hotfix for cookie login (remember me)

- fixed cookie login

- added salien_card() to collect steam Salien game Trading Cards

- hotfix

- added finish_queue() to collect Steam Sale Trading Cards
- hotfix

- hotfix

- hotfix

- fixed issues with ruby 2.4+
- added class methods for fa(), normal_get_inventory(), raw_get_inventory, sets_count()

- many many bugs fixed

- hotfix

- Handler.new() now accepts a hash contains login cookies.
- get_auth_cookies() returns cookies to use for the next login

- hotfix

- hotfix

- hotfix

- added mobile_login() which allows you to send and receive steam messages
- added oauth_login() uses oauth token and steamMachine cookie to login in ( you get those from mobile_login())

- added Social commands : send friend request, accept friend request, remove friend, send message, get messages
- added function to update badges blueprint (useful when there is no gem update)

- decreased cooldown between requests from 2 seconds to 1 second.
- added a 0.6 second wait before attempting to confirm a trade offer (mobile).
- added a 3 times retry to get an inventory chunk before raising an error.
- exception handling for sets_count, now no longer raises an error if the target inventory contains trading cards which are not specified in the bluepirnt.

- normal_get_inventory() and raw_get_inventory() now uses Mechanize instead of open-uri.
- Handler.new() and fa() now accepts a time difference parameter to adjust your 2FA codes.
- sets_count() now writes the txt file faster.
- Mechanize session associated with the account now has a 2 second cooldown before each request to avoid spamming steam servers and resulting in a ban.

Table of content


in your commandline :

gem install steam-trade


First you need to require the gem:

require 'steam-trade'



Handler.new(username, password,shared_secret,time_difference,remember_me)

then you need to login and optionally set your shared_secret and identity_secret:

  • shared_secret is used to generate steam authentication codes so you won't have to write them manually each time you login.
  • time_differenceis the difference between your time and steam servers, this affects how 2FA codes are generated (this MUST BE an integer)
  • remember_me is a boolean used to indicate whether you want cookies which expire shortly if set to false or stay valid for weeks if set to true
require 'steam-trade'

account = Handler.new('username','password','shared_secret') # share secret is optional
account = Handler.new('username','password',50) #works
account = Handler.new('username','password','shared_secret',50)
account = Handler.new('username','password',50,'shared_secret') # this will not work

account = Handler.new('username','password','shared_secret',20,true) # works
account = Handler.new('username','password','shared_secret',true) #works
account = Handler.new('username','password',20,true) #works
account = Handler.new('username','password',true) #works

account = Handler.new('username','password','shared_secret',true,20) # will not work
account = Handler.new('username') #this of course counts as non logged in

keep in mind you can initialize a Handler without params however the commands you will be able to use will be limited

require 'steam-trade'

account = Handler.new()
puts account.fa('v3dWNq2Ncutc7RelwRVXswT8CJX=v3dWNq2Ncutc7WelwRVXswT8CJk=') => random code
  • cookies_hash is hash containing steamLogin, steamLoginSecure and steamMachineAuth cookies. this can be used with get_auth_cookies() for faster login.
  • shared_secret is used to generate steam authentication codes so you won't have to write them manually each time you login.
  • time_differenceis the difference between your time and steam servers, this affects how 2FA codes are generated (this MUST BE an integer)
  • remember_me is a boolean used to indicate whether you want cookies which expire shortly if set to false or stay valid for weeks if set to true
require 'steam-trade'
account = Handler.new(JSON.parse(File.read('./creds.json'))) # creds.json is created by get_auth_cookies()

account = Handler.new(JSON.parse(File.read('./creds.json')), 'shared_secret', 50)


  • returns the current logged in account cookies to use in the future.
require 'steam-trade'
account = Handler.new('username','password','shared_secret',true)
cookies = h.get_auth_cookies

File.open('creds.json', 'w') {|f| f.puts cookies.to_json}

next time :

require 'steam-trade'
account = Handler.new(JSON.parse(File.read('./creds.json')))


  • identity_secret is your account's identity secret (try using google if you don't know what this is).
  • identity_secret is used to automatically confirm trade offers.
require 'steam-trade'

account = Handler.new('username','password','shared_secret')

Getting someone's inventory

you might want to read this guide


  • steamid is the target's steamID, or profileID, or trade link
  • inventoryappid is the inventory type you want to load, ex : normal inventory(the one which holds trading cards), it's is 753
  • if you call normal_get_inventory() with no params, it will be default use the current logged-in account steamid, inventoryappid = 753
require 'steam-trade'
inventory = Handler.normal_get_inventory("nomg3r")

logged = Handler.new('username','password','shared_secret')
# while logged in
my_inventory = logged.normal_get_inventory() #will get your normal inventory(753) if you are logged in else raise an exception
my_inventory = logged.normal_get_inventory('730') # will get your CS:GO inventory if you are logged in else raise an exeception

#whatever can be done while **not** logged in, can be of course used while logged in
#while not logged in
nonlogged = Handler.new()
my_inventory = nonlogged.normal_get_inventory() #will raise an exception
my_inventory = nonlogged.normal_get_inventory('730') #will raise an exception

partner_inventory = nonlogged.normal_get_inventory('76561198044170935') #using steamid
partner_inventory = nonlogged.normal_get_inventory('https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=410155236&token=H-yK-GFt') #using trade link
partner_inventory = nonlogged.normal_get_inventory('CardExchange') #using profile id

partner_inventory = nonlogged.normal_get_inventory('76561198044170935',730) #will get that steamid CS:GO inventory
partner_inventory = nonlogged.normal_get_inventory('https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=410155236&token=H-yK-GFt', '730') #will get that trade link owner's CS:GO inventory
partner_inventory = nonlogged.normal_get_inventory('CardExchange',730) # will get CardExchange's CS:GO inventory

the returned items from normal_get_inventory() are in the form of an array example : [item1,item2,item3...itemN].

each item is a hash which contains information about the item in the form of {"appid"=>'xxx',"contextid"=>'xxx',"assetid" => 'xxx',"classid"=> 'xxx',......"name"=> 'xxxx',"market_fee_app" => 'xxx',....}.

market_fee_app key gives you the appid of the game's app (for trading cards), for other items technically inventoryappid is the games appid.

name key gives you the item name.


IMPORTANT: this command efficiency is better than normal_get_inventory, therefore i recommend using this one.

  • target is a steamID/profileID/trade link
  • inventoryappid is the inventory type you want to load, ex : normal inventory(the one which holds trading cards), it's is 753
  • trimming, defaults to true this will remove images link and steam-server-side related informations from the descriptions hash, drastically reducing the size of data received.

This command will return a hash nearly identitical to the one received from steam the hash will have 2 keys assets and descriptions:

  • assets has an array as value, identical to steam's (example)
  • descriptions has an array as a value identical to steam's (example)
require 'steam-trade'
inv = Handler.raw_get_inventory("nomg3r")

logged = Handler.new('username','password','shared_secret')
inv = logged.raw_get_inventory() #works
inv = logged.raw_get_inventory(false) # returns non trimmed
inv = logged.raw_get_inventory(440) #works
inv = logged.raw_get_inventory(76561198044170935,false) #works
inv = logged.raw_get_inventory(76561198044170935,440) # works

print inv['assets'] #will print all the assets
print inv['descriptions'] #will print all the descriptions

### how to accurately use this

class_instance = {}
## map all the items
inv['descriptions'].each { |desc|
  identifier = desc['classid'] + '_' + desc['instanceid']
  class_instance[identifier] = desc

## identify your items

inv['assets'].each { |asset|
  identifier = asset['classid'] + '_' + asset['instanceid']
  puts class_instance[identifier] this will output the item's description


set_inventory_cache() is:

  • a switch to locally save each inventory you get to a local file.

  • disabled by default, you need to initiate it by calling the command

  • accepts a parameter timer which defaults to timer = 120, this parameter is the difference between the save file was created and the moment it was checked (upong trying to retrieve the inventory).

  • this switch is useful if you are getting a "static" inventory or testing your code.

require 'steam-trade'

logged = Handler.new('username','password','shared_secret')

partner_inventory = loggedlogged.normal_get_inventory('CardExchange') #this will save CardExchange's inventory to a local file and return the inventory

partner_inventory = loggedlogged.normal_get_inventory('CardExchange') # this will load the locally saved file

IMPORTANT: normal_get_inventory() will load the whole target inventory, for each 5k of items, you are adding ~40MB to your memory and of course will affect performance of the code and the computer

Sending a trade offer


MUST be logged in to use this command then you can send your offer

  • myarray is an array which contains hashes of selected items to send in the offer. (currently you must get this on your own)

  • Theirarray is an array which contains hashes of selected items to receive in the offer. (currently you must get this on your own)

  • trade_offer_link can be the trade link of you partner ex: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=410155236&token=H-yK-GFt

  • trade_offer_link can be a steamID, however using a steamID requires you and your partner to be friends on steam

  • trade_offer_link can be a profileID, however using a profileID requires you and your partner to be friends on steam

  • message is the comment you want to include in the trade offer

  • myarray, theirarray, trade_offer_link are required, message is optional

  • returns a hash which contains informations about the trade

  • identity_secret is required for this function to work

require 'steam-trade'

account = Handler.new('username','password','shared_secret')

me = account.normal_get_inventory()
his = account.normal_get_inventory("nomg3r")

myarray = [me[5] , me[20] , me[60]].compact!
theirarray = [his[1], his[20], his[30]].compact!

# if you are friends
resp = account.send_offer(myarray,theirarray,"nomg3r",message)
#or (as friends)

# whenever


  • tradeofferid is the ID of the offer you want to confirm (mobile confirmation)
  • identity_secret is required for this function to work
require 'steam-trade'

account = Handler.new('username','password','shared_secret')

me = account.normal_get_inventory()
his = account.normal_get_inventory("nomg3r")

myarray = [me[5] , me[20] , me[60]].compact!
theirarray = [his[1], his[20], his[30]].compact!

resp = account.send_offer(myarray,theirarray,"nomg3r",message)



  • confirms all trades which are waiting for mobile confirmation
  • identity_secret is required for this function to work
require 'steam-trade'

account = Handler.new('username','password','shared_secret')


Handling Trade Offers

you might want to read Steam Trading API



NOTE:If you are using a logged in Handler there is no need to set the API_KEY.

  • API_KEY is your apikey, you can get that from here.
require 'steam-trade'
acc = Handler.new()
trade_offers = acc.get_trade_offers() # will raise an exception
trade_offers = acc.get_trade_offers() # after setting an API_KEY this will succeed


  • time is the moment from which you want to get updates (explained in the example) this will return a hash with trade_offers_sent, trade_offers_received, descriptions as keys. descriptions includes the descriptions of all items returned from trade_offers_sent or trade_offers_received
require 'steam-trade'
logged = Handler.new('username','password','shared_secret')

time = '' # this is the initial check for offers so we want them all
polling = Thread.new(logged) { |logged|
  loop do
    offers = logged.get_trade_offers(time)
    time = Time.new.to_i # we save the time of the last check
    next if offers['trade_offers_received'] == nil # do nothing, if there is no trades
    puts offers['trade_offers_received'] # puts the trades
    sleep(15) # make sure not to spam steam's server or they will block list your IP for a period of time therefore you can't make requests


gets more information about a specific trade offer

  • tradeofferid is the id of the offer you want to confirm (you can get the id using this to get the offerID

have no example how to actually use this cause get_trade_offers(time) is probably better


  • tradeofferid is the id of the offer you want to confirm (you can get the id using this to get the offerID
require 'steam-trade'
logged = Handler.new('username','password','shared_secret')

time = '' # this is the initial check for offers so we want them all
polling = Thread.new(logged) { |logged|
  loop do
    offers = logged.get_trade_offers(time)
    time = Time.new.to_i # we save the time of the last check
    next if offers['trade_offers_received'] == nil # do nothing, if there is no trades
    offers['trade_offers_received'].each { |trade|
      if trade['accountid_other'].to_i == 83905207 ## this will accept all trade received from 83905207 (Steam32 ID)
        logged.accept_trade_offer(trade['tradeofferid']) # to accept the trade
    sleep(15) # make sure not to spam steam's server or they will block list your IP for a period of time therefore you can't make requests


this declines a trade offer you RECEIVED

  • tradeofferid is the id of the offer you want to confirm (you can get the id using this to get the offerID
require 'steam-trade'
logged = Handler.new('username','password','shared_secret')

time = '' # this is the initial check for offers so we want them all
polling = Thread.new(logged) { |logged|
  loop do
    offers = logged.get_trade_offers(time)
    time = Time.new.to_i # we save the time of the last check
    next if offers['trade_offers_received'] == nil # do nothing, if there is no trades
    offers['trade_offers_received'].each { |trade| # we need to check received offers to use 'decline'
      if trade['accountid_other'].to_i != 83905207 ## notice the '!='
        logged.decline_trade_offer(trade['tradeofferid']) # decline the trade
    sleep(15) # make sure not to spam steam's server or they will block list your IP for a period of time therefore you can't make requests


this cancels a trade offer you SENT

  • tradeofferid is the id of the offer you want to confirm (you can get the id using this to get the offerID
require 'steam-trade'
logged = Handler.new('username','password','shared_secret')

time = '' # this is the initial check for offers so we want them all
polling = Thread.new(logged) { |logged|
  loop do
    offers = logged.get_trade_offers(time)
    time = Time.new.to_i # we save the time of the last check
    next if offers['trade_offers_sent'] == nil # do nothing, if there is no trades
    offers['trade_offers_sent'].each { |trade| # we need to check sentoffers to use 'cancel'
      if trade['accountid_other'].to_i != 83905207 ## notice the '!='
        logged.cancel_trade_offer(trade['tradeofferid']) # cancel the trade
    sleep(15) # make sure not to spam steam's server or they will block list your IP for a period of time therefore you can't make requests

Counting badges owned


this command does not count foil badges (only normal trading cards)

  • target can be a steamID, a profileID or a trade link
  • non_marketable this is a switch to count non-marketable trading cards(defaults to true if not specified)
  • a .txt will be created from this command to read the badges
  • this returns a hash {'sets' => appsets, 'appxsets' => setsowned, 'totalsets' => numberofsets, 'totalcards' => total_non_foil, 'marketable' => true}
    • 'sets' is a hash with game appids as keys and each card and number of copies owned of each card {'appid1' => {'card1' => 5,'card2' => 3, ... 'cardN' => Z},{'appid1' => {'card1' => 0,'card2' => 2, ... 'cardN' => K} }
    • 'appxsets' is a hash containing the number of sets available of each set {'appid1' => 5,'appid2' => 20,...'appidN' => Z}
    • 'totalsets' is an integer equals to the number of sets owned
    • 'totalcards' is an integer equals to the number of non-foil cards account for
require 'steam-trade'
data = Handler.sets_count("CardExchange")

logged = Handler.new('username','password','shared_secret')
#with login
logged = account.sets_count()
logged = account.sets_count(false)
hash = account.sets_count('CardExchange',false)
hash = account.sets_count(76561198370420964)
hash = account.sets_count('https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=410155236&token=H-yK-GFt',false)

#without login
nonlogged = Handler.new()
logged = account.sets_count() #raise exception
logged = account.sets_count(false) # raise exception
hash = account.sets_count('CardExchange')
hash = account.sets_count(76561198370420964)
hash = account.sets_count('https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=410155236&token=H-yK-GFt',false)


  • updates your locally saved badges blueprint
require 'steam-trade'

handler = Handler.new


2FA codes

fa(shared_secret, time_difference)

  • shared_secret is the account's shared secret (if you don't know what is this try googling 'steam shared_secret'), defaults to the logged in account's steamid if logged in.
  • time_difference is the difference between your pc's time and steam's time (this MUST BE an integer) NOTE: using this command with a new shared_secret will not change/set the current saved shared_secret for the account
require 'steam-trade'
puts Hander.fa('random_shared_secret')

logged = Handler.new('username','password','inital_shared_secret')
puts logged.fa() #=> random code for your account
puts logged.fa('new_shared_secret') # => this will give you a random code for another account, AND will not edit your initial_shared_secret

logged_without_shared_secret = Handler.new('username','password') # this is possible of course
puts logged_without_shared_secret.fa() # this will not work
puts logged_without_shared_secret.fa('shared_secret') ## will give a random code
nonlogged = Handler.new()
puts nonlogged.fa() # will not work
puts logged.fa() # will give a random code

Social Commands


  • this command will be called automatically if you attempt to use send_message() or poll_messages() without authentication
  • calling this explicitly allows you to painlessly retrieve the OAuth token and SteamMachine#{steamid} cookie to use in oauth_login()
  • this function returns a hash with oauth_token and machine as keys
require 'steam-trade'

h = Handler.new('user','pass','secret')
data = h.mobile_login() #this works are you have setted username and password
puts data ## will output with oauth token and steamMachine cookie

h = Handler.new()
data = h.mobile_login() # will raise an error cause there is no username or password


h = Handler.new()
data = h.mobile_login('user','pass','secret') ## will work, you are not logged in ( talking about community) here you can't use most of the commands (send_offer() etc) and those parameters you passed will not be setted as the Handler's

h = Handler.new('user1','pass1','secret1')
data = mobile_login('user2','pass2','secret2') # this works but trading commands etc will be called using user1, and chat commands will be called using user2


  • oauth_token and SteamMachine can be retrieved from mobile_login()
require 'steam-trade'
h = Handler.new()

send_message(target, message)

sends a message to the target

  • target can be a steamID64, tradelink, or profileID
  • message the message to send
require 'steam-trade'

h = Handler.new('username', 'password')
h.send_message('nomg3r', "Hello, Friend")


gives you the messages you receieved (after mobile login is initiated (after you call send_message() or poll_messages() ) )

require 'steam-trade'

h = Handler.new('username', 'password')
print h.poll_messages() # will not return messages so you call at again ( only the first time in the whole program )
puts ""
puts "------"
sleep(10) #send a message to the logged in account
print h.poll_messages() # actually have messages ( if you received some in the time between the first and the second request )



sends a friend request to the target

  • target can be a steamID64, tradelink, or profileID
require 'steam-trade'

h = Handler.new('username', 'password')


accepts a friend request from the target

  • target can be a steamID64, tradelink, or profileID
require 'steam-trade'

h = Handler.new('username', 'password')


removes a friend

  • target can be a steamID64, tradelink, or profileID
require 'steam-trade'

h = Handler.new('username', 'password')

More commands

you can find more non-vital commands in the wiki


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the GNU GPLV3.