
it is gemini Assistant in built.

Primary LanguagePython

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gemini voice assistant

It is gimini assistant in local with wifi

Installion steps:-

Make sure you installed python 3.x Version and have good nerwork.

Step 1:- download zip file from release (link:- https://github.com/OmGamer3158/gemini-voice-Assistant/releases/tag/gemini)

Step 2:- Unzip the zip file.

Step 3:- Make sure all 3 filet will or folder in one folder.

Step 4:- Change to google api key to your otherwise its not work and change vosk location to your vosk folder location which is downloaded in zip file from release zip .

Step 5:- Run command which is mentioned run.txt if you are using windows run only first command and for linux run all command(run in CMD or terminal).

Now you can run main.py the program and enjoy your personal assistant