BuzzTalk - Audio and video podcast platform


BuzzTalk allows users to listen to both audio and video podcasts. Users can search for their desired podcast, view a list of the most popular podcasts on the main dashboard, and mark podcasts as favorites for easy access later.Create playlists and with curated podcasts, Additionally, users can resume playback of a podcast from where they left off if they need to pause it.

Users have access to Dashboard where they can create or add new podcasts, along with details such as the podcast name, description, category and type (audio/video), and the speaker.

Website link


User Features

  • Login and Signup: Users can create a new account or log in using their email address or Google OAuth.
  • Search: Users can search for a podcast by its name, speaker, or Description.
  • Most Popular Podcasts: The main dashboard displays a list of the most popular podcasts for easy browsing.
  • Favorite Podcasts: Users can mark a podcast as a favorite to easily access it later.
  • Resume Playback: Users can pause a podcast and resume playback from where they left off later.

Dashboard Features

  • Add Podcasts: Users can add new podcasts, along with details such as the podcast name, description, thumbnail, category, type, and the speaker.
  • Upload Files: Users can upload audio or video files for new podcasts
  • Edit or delete Podcast: Users can change podcast details or upload new files for podcast as well as delete their own podcasts

Playlist Features

  • Create Playlist: Users can create their own playlist.
  • Add podcasts: Can add or remove podcasts from created playlist

Technologies Used

  • Front-end: Nextjs, Tailwind, Redux toolkit
  • Back-end: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB
  • Authentication: Passport.js
  • File Uploads: Cloudinary
  • Hosting: Vercel, Render

Future Improvements

  • Improved search functionality with autocomplete suggestions and filters.
  • Integration with social media platforms for sharing podcasts.
  • Recommendations for related podcasts based on listening history.
  • User profiles with listening history and activity tracking.