
With this app in your pocket, you no longer have need for physical dices 🎲 to play single-player or 2-player games like snake and ladder 🐍πŸͺœ, Ludo etc.

Primary LanguageSwift

Oms-Dicee 🎲🎲

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With this app in your pocket, you no longer have need for physical dices 🎲 to play single-player or 2-player games like snake and ladder 🐍πŸͺœ, Ludo etc.


  • A click on the β€˜Roll’ button will roll the 2 dices 🎲 and randomly display any number on the dice face.
  • USP is that you can even β€˜Shake Your Phone’ 🀳 to roll the dices!


Launch Screen

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Rolling Dice

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Things learned while creating this app

  • Create an app with behaviour and functionality.
  • Create links between the Interface Builder files and code using IBActions and IBOutlets.
  • Get familiar with the Xcode code editor.
  • Learn to use comments to annotate code.
  • Understand and use Swift constants and variables.
  • Understand and use collection types such as Swift arrays.
  • Learn about randomisation and how to generate random numbers in Swift.