
Load balancing gRPC services in Nomad

Primary LanguageGo

Testing load balancing gRPC services in Nomad with fabio. Job files are provided if you want to run these in your own Nomad cluster.

Deploying in Nomad

If you've deployed the services correctly, you should be able to hit your gateway service and get results as show below:

$ curl greeting-gateway.service.consul:9090?name=Omar
Whats up Omar!

Running locally

You can run these services and test locally as well. See below for examples.

Type the following to run the server:

$ go run greeting-server/server.go

In another window, type the following to run the client/gateway:

$ address=localhost:8080 go run greeting-gateway/client.go 

You should be able to run the following now:

$ curl localhost:9090/?name=omar
Whats up omar!