A travel agency website built using NodeJs, Javascript and MongoDB in the backend! Try it here: https://tiptoptrips.onrender.com/
To use our website, every user must posess an account, they can either login using an existing one or create a new account at our registration page. All they need is a unique username and a password that will be stored very securely on our MongoDB Database.
The first page a user encounters after logging in. It displays all types of destination categories our travel agency can arrange trips to. These categories include:
- Hiking Destinations
- Beach Destinations
- City Destinations
Each destination category has a button which redirects you to a page containing all possible destinations belogning to said category. The Homepage also has a search bar up-top in case you have made your decision and want to look for a specific destination. But if you just want to "surf" around for all destinations we provide, our neatly organized pages will not let you down! There is also a button that redirects you to your Want-To-Go List, which we will explain in detail in the coming sections.
Each category page contains specific destinations our agency can arrange trips to. Please take your time in browsing our website at your own pace.
Each destination page contains a representative image of said destination, so that you can have a "clearer picture" about it, along with few useful pieces of information so you can better decide if this destination interests you. In these pages, we also provide a video that gives a more accurate impression of the destination in case you are still indecisive. In the end, if you find this destination interesting and you would like to remember it for later, make sure to add it to your Want-To-Go-List by clicking the "Add to Want-To-Go" button. The Want-To-Go list is associated with your TipTopTrips account so don't worry, it will not get lost when you close the page.
Your Want-To-Go list contains the list of all the destinations you have added to your list. It contains links that can redirect you to the destination pages you added in case you wanted to re-visit your selections.
For improved convenience, we have implemented a search function on our website which you can access simply by using the search bar on the top right corner of your screen. It's designed so that its reliability can ensure all interesting destinations can be on your radar!
This project was the result of the tireless work and dedication of: