Bankoo System

You are asked to extend the concept of a bank account system. Implement a program that features the following:


User has the attributes of name, balance, creditCard, status and the methods of deposit, checkStatus, and transferAmount. You can elaborate on more

  • name: the name of the person
  • balance: holds the current total amount that person owns
  • creditCard: decrements the amount of money spent using the credit card from the maximum allowable limit. Think of a means to determine the maximum allowable limit per client
  • status: is a flag that determines whether the client is indebted or not; e.g. did he/she spend more that what they own using credit cards. Please note that the user becomes indebted when a period of two months elapses after the purchase
  • deposit: add amount of money to his/her account
  • checkStatus: check the information of your account: days left to settle your credit card purchases, the current balance, the current credit card balance, etc.
  • transferAmount: add amount to another account holder

Elaborating on unmentioned, yet rational, ideas is a plus
Unhandled exceptions will be penalized

Using Java, Swing, JFrame, OOP, MySQL.


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