‘GIFTr’ package in intended to help course creators to upload questions to MOODLE and other LMS for quizzes. ‘GIFTr’ takes dataframe or tibble of questions of four types: mcq, numerical questions, true or false and short answer,and export it a text file formatted in MOODLE GIFT format. You can prepare a spreadsheet in any software and import it in R and generate any number of questions with HTML, markdown and LATEX support.
from cran with:
from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
devtools::install_github("omarelashkar/GIFTr" , build_vignettes = TRUE)
# load GIFTrData
# See the structure of the data
head(GIFTrData , 2)
#> categories names question
#> 1 Ques/hist Q1 Who's buried in **Grant's tomb**?
#> 2 Ques/hist Q2 What two people are entombed in **Grant's tomb?**
#> A
#> 1 *Grant
#> 2 No one
#> B
#> 1 no one#Was true for 12 years, but Grant's remains were buried in the tomb in 1897
#> 2 *Grant
#> C D
#> 1 Napoleon#He was buried in France Churchill#He was buried in England
#> 2 *Grant's wife Grant's father
#> E question_type
#> 1 Mother Teresa#She was buried in India mcq
#> 2 <NA> mcq
#> 'data.frame': 11 obs. of 9 variables:
#> $ categories : chr "Ques/hist" "Ques/hist" "Ques/hist" "Ques/science" ...
#> $ names : chr "Q1" "Q2" "Q3" "Q4" ...
#> $ question : chr "Who's buried in **Grant's tomb**?" "What two people are entombed in **Grant's tomb?**" "Grant was buried in a tomb in New York City" "The sun rises in the West." ...
#> $ A : chr "*Grant" "No one" "T" "F" ...
#> $ B : chr "no one#Was true for 12 years, but Grant's remains were buried in the tomb in 1897" "*Grant" NA NA ...
#> $ C : chr "Napoleon#He was buried in France" "*Grant's wife" NA NA ...
#> $ D : chr "Churchill#He was buried in England" "Grant's father" NA NA ...
#> $ E : chr "Mother Teresa#She was buried in India" NA NA NA ...
#> $ question_type: chr "mcq" "mcq" "tf_q" "tf_q" ...
#Create quiz.txt file with GIFT format
GIFTr::GIFTr(data = GIFTrData, questions = 3, answers = c(4:8),
categories = 1, question_type = 9, output = 'quiz.txt')
#> Total Number of Questions passed: 11
#> ====
#> ====
#> ====
#> ====
#> MCQ questions input count: 2
#> MCQ questions with single answer passed: 1
#> MCQ questions with multiple answers passed: 1
#> Error found: 0
#> No valid question found : 0
#> No valid answer found: 0
#> ====
#> ====
#> ====
#> Done MCQ!
#> ===
#> Numerical questions input count: 5
#> Numerical questions with single answer passed: 4
#> Numerical questions questions with multiple answers passed: 1
#> Error found: 0
#> No valid question found : 0
#> No valid answer found: 0
#> ====
#> ====
#> ====
#> Done Numerical questions!
#> ====
#> total short answer questions passed is 2.
#> Valid answer: 2
#> error in 0
#> 0 no question has been found
#> 0 no valid answer has been found
#> ====
#> ====
#> ====
#> Done Short Answer questions!
#> ====
#> T/F questions passed input: 2
#> T/F questions Passed: 2
#> Error found: 0
#> No question found : 0
#> No valid answer found: 0
#> ====
#> ====
#> ====
#> Done T/F questions!
#> ====
The generated file can be imported easily by MOODLE or any other LMS that supports GIFT.
For further documentation instructions, check the package vignette and documentation.
#open vingette