The goal of rxode2et is to split off the ‘rxode2’ event table creation and translation for ‘rxode2’ models.
You can install the development version of rxode2et from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
#devtools::install_github("nlmixr2/rxode2ll") # not needed for rxode2et, but needed for 'rxode2'
This is mostly about event table creation et()
, which you can access
with this package alone.
e <- et(amt=3) %>% et(1:24)
#> ── EventTable with 25 records ──
#> 1 dosing records (see $get.dosing(); add with add.dosing or et)
#> 24 observation times (see $get.sampling(); add with add.sampling or et)
#> ── First part of : ──
#> # A tibble: 25 × 3
#> time amt evid
#> <dbl> <dbl> <evid>
#> 1 0 3 1:Dose (Add)
#> 2 1 NA 0:Observation
#> 3 2 NA 0:Observation
#> 4 3 NA 0:Observation
#> 5 4 NA 0:Observation
#> 6 5 NA 0:Observation
#> 7 6 NA 0:Observation
#> 8 7 NA 0:Observation
#> 9 8 NA 0:Observation
#> 10 9 NA 0:Observation
#> # … with 15 more rows