
Food Delivery app using Clean Architecture

Primary LanguageDart

Food Delivery app using Clean Architecture


  • Register
  • Login
  • Logout
  • Forgot password
  • View all restaurants
  • View restaurant details and products
  • View product details
  • Add product to cart
  • View your cart and proceed to checkout
  • View your orders and order details
  • Track your order
  • View profile
  • Edit profile
  • Localization (en, ar)


  • dio
  • dartz
  • retrofit
  • equatable
  • flutter_bloc
  • flutter_localizations
  • freezed
  • get_it
  • injectable
  • shared_preferences
  • google_maps_flutter
  • geocoding
  • geolocator
  • cached_network_image
  • json_serializable
  • connectivity_plus
  • flutter_gen
  • lottie
  • page_transition
  • fluttertoast
  • google_fonts

