Assignment 2

Omar Taha

Student ID: 3541647

Best Password Criteria:

  • Minimum Length: Passwords should be at least 12 characters long for better security.
  • Uppercase Letters: Adding uppercase letters increases the difficulty for attackers.
  • Numbers: Including numbers adds to the complexity.
  • Symbols: Symbols make passwords even harder to guess.

Vulnerabilities of Passwords:

  • Brute Force Attacks: Attackers try every possible combination until they find the right one. Longer and more complex passwords help protect against this.
  • Dictionary Attacks: Attackers use lists of common passwords to guess. Using unique and complex passwords can help prevent this.
  • Phishing: Users can be tricked into giving away their passwords. Unique passwords for different accounts can limit the damage.
  • Password Reuse: Using the same password on multiple sites increases risk. If one site gets hacked, all accounts using that password are in danger.

Issues with Different Types of Passwords:

  • Simple Passwords: Easy to remember but easy to guess (e.g., "password123").
  • Complex Passwords: Harder to guess but also harder to remember (e.g., "P@ssw0rd!").
  • Password Managers: These can generate and store complex passwords, but if the manager is compromised, all stored passwords are at risk.

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