
When Post-realism meets Instagram API

MIT LicenseMIT

Vangoghstagram challenge

Please build this like you would an actual project you're working on. It should be production-ready code that you're proud of.

Your goal today is to build a simple Android/iOS/Web app with the following functionality:

  • An animated welcome screen that transitions into a view that allows the user to sign into Instagram.
  • Use Instagram API in order to get the 5 last uploaded images.
  • If either field is missing or signin fails, return a relevant error message.
  • On a successful signin, store the authentication token returned from the API.
  • Display all images using Master-detail design pattern.
  • When user clicks in the image, it display in full screen.
  • Create a CSS filter for the images []


  • Gather a team of two people maximum.
  • Spend a fixed amount of time building the app – less than 9 hours.
  • Use your own Instagram Account for testing purposes.
  • Feel free to use all assets (background images, texts) from the internetz :).

Extra points

  • Use Zenhub Chrome Extension.
  • Use React Native for Android/iOS build.
  • An authentication screen that captures a user's email and password.
  • Store the last 5 uploaded images and apply them a Post-realism filter using TensorFlow.


  • Use Retrofit for API calls.
  • Use Material Design retrocompatibility package.
  • The APK file should thinner than 10mb.
  • Upload the app to Google Play.
  • Use Kotlin instead Java.



  • Use React/Angular as front-end framework.
  • Use Flask/Bootstrap instead Django.
  • Use Firebase instead Django.
  • Implement Materialize in the front-end.
  • Use a framework you are not familiar with.