
Chat with your local Documents (PDF, CSV, DOCX, TXT, PPTX)

Primary LanguagePython

ChatGPT Ghost: A Private ChatGPT Clone

Using huggingface and langchain this app offers: -

  • Model Switching: Easily switch between different Huggingface models as per your requirements.
  • Document Chat: Chat with your documents, including (CSV, DOCX, PPTX, PDF) files. Upload your documents and start querying them.

Note: You need to add an .env file with your huggingface api token with (Permission: write) or you can just run with your local model but make sure to uncomment the LlamaCpp code block in get_conversation_chain and pass your Model path

Sample Run Videos

Easy Run ^^

In this Streamlit App you only just have to run the python script without the need of this code: streamlit run script.py

Just run: -

python Chatgbt_Ghost.py

Models Used

  • hkunlp/instructor-xl (For Embeddings)
  • google/flan-t5-xxl
  • google/flan-t5-small
  • google/flan-t5-base
  • mistral-7b-instruct-v0.2.Q4_K_S (For local runs using LlamaCpp)

Some Rules

  • Switching models mid conversation resets the chat_history (your past questions)

  • Files can be embedded as text_based files or CSV files not both. This resitriction was made to improve Response accuracy.

  • Chat history is Disabled with CSV files, As we are only retreiving Data So, To ensure that the retreival is at its best accuracy and not confusing the model with past prompts values.