Pizza Maker Program

02/7/2019 The Pizza Maker program allows a user to order a customizable pizza. Pizza options can be selected by: Size, Crust, Sauce, and Toppings. After the user selects his pizza options, the program will output the price based on selections

Created by Omar Kadah


Download/clone the repository Pizza-Maker to your desktop. open file 'Index.html' in your preferred web browser and begin using the program by entering in your number.

Select Crust:

* Pan

* Thin

* Gluten Free

Select Size:

* 8"

* 12"

* 16"

Select Sauce:

* Red

* Garlic


The topping slections will not add price.


If you have any problems, questions, ideas or suggestions, please contact me at:


Pizza-Maker contains pieces of code that is Copyright (c) 2019.