
Bug Tracking System is a system to track bugs build on "OOP" concepts and File organization

Primary LanguageC#

Bug-Tracking-System (C#)-Microsoft Visual Studio-Windows Form App.

Bug Tracking System is a system to track bugs build on "OOP" concepts and File organization
*use "user name : master" , "pass : 123" to login as master.
master :: add developers add developer and tester and bugs to system and assign bugs to certain developer.
developer :: solve bugs which assigned to him and pass it to the tester to test it and give a feed back.
tester :: test solved bugs and close it if the test successed.
test and developer in the system can login with there names and there id 
steps to run :
1-download whole project.
2-creat folder name "bug tracking system".
3-copy to it folders after UN-ZIP them -> [obj,bin,Resources,Properties] 
4-copy the remains file to the same folder ""bug tracking system".
5-creat another folder with the same name "bug tracking system" and put in it the previous folder which u copy it files and file name"Bug Traking System.sln".
should be like that => bug tracking system/Bug Traking System.sln.
                                          /bug tracking system/obj.
                                          /bug tracking system/bin.
                                          /bug tracking system/Resources.
                                          /bug tracking system/Properties.
                                          /bug tracking system/..etc.(remain files).
6-then u can run the project from "bug tracking system/Bug Traking System.sln".