Recipe Finder

Recipe Finder is a web application that allows users to discover, save, and share delicious recipes. With an intuitive interface and powerful search capabilities, users can easily find recipes based on ingredients, cuisine type, or dietary restrictions. Additionally, users can create personalized recipe collections, write reviews, and interact with other users in a community-driven platform.


  • User authentication and authorization system
  • Search for recipes by cuisine type, or dietary restrictions
  • Save favorite recipes to personalized collections
  • Write reviews and ratings for recipes
  • Interact with other users by liking, and commenting on recipes
  • Explore trending recipes and user-generated content
  • Responsive design for seamless user experience across devices

Technologies Used

  • Frontend:

    • HTML
    • tailwindCSS
    • JavaScript
    • JSX
    • React.js
  • Backend:

    • Flask
  • Database:

    • SQLite
  • Authentication:

    • Flask Login