VR Demo

Daydream Shooter game prototype

Scripts Documentation for parent classes

Classes Names
  1. Player Class :
    • simple class for main player behavior .
  2. Enemy Class :
    • Core feature and properties for Enemy .
  3. EnemySpawner Class :
    • An Object pool and manging enemy spawning in the scene .
  4. Weapon Class :
    • Core features and properties for weapons
  5. BossMinion Class :
    • Inherit from Enemy Class
    • Adding some custom behavior for this type of enemy
  6. MP5 Class :
    • Inherit from Weapon Class
    • Adding some custom properties for MP5 weapon itself.
  7. GettingGun :
    • Inherit from Weapon Class
    • Adding some custom properties for GettingGun weapon itself.
  8. PlayerHUDController :
    • It update the UI when any changes take place.
  9. UISetter :
    • It assign the UI sprites to HUD .
  10. UITheme :
    • Inherit from ScriptableObject
    • Easily to manage any change in the theme by assigning the desired sprite for each HUD element .
  11. ScoreManager Class :
    • A singletone class for managing score.
  12. HelperClass :
    • It's created to hold as much useful helper function as we need
    • Currently has only one function which pick a random point in range of a Circle.
  13. ShowFPS Class :
    • A Debug Class to show FPS in the View .
How to try the game?
  1. Download the project
  2. Open it with unity
  3. Press play and follow the emulator instruction which is :
    • Alt + moving mouse you can rotate your head
    • Shift + Moving Mouse getting the controller itself "quite confusing"
    • Ctrl + Moving Mouse benting your head left and right.
  4. Or Connect your device and build the game . " Not Tested
Game Rules :
  1. You have two weapons active and firing at same time .
  2. There are Spawned enemies will walk toward you and you must shoot them before they hit you .
  3. Enemies will become harder with time , each 10 seconds they will become tougher , you can check their Eye color .
  4. Guns will be upgraded automatically every 30 seconds .
  5. If you die the game will restart in short time .
Well Known Issue:

If you encounter any error with regard to GoogleVR SDK during first time loading the project inside unity, just reimport the SDK package .