
Fullstack app spring angular using Oauth2

Primary LanguageCSS

OAuth2 : Spring-boot+Angular

Fullstack app spring angular using Oauth2

before login :

Screen Shot 2024-02-04 at 15 48 43

after login :

Screen Shot 2024-02-04 at 15 13 27 Screen Shot 2024-02-04 at 15 49 12

Spring Boot Backend


mvn clean package

Run on local

First, start a database as described bellow.

mvn spring-boot:run

The application will be available at http://localhost:8080



Here will be placed all the necessary configuration for the application to run correctly.

The GoogleOpaqueTokenIntrospector is used to use a custom instrospector for the resources handler. As the Spring Security OAuth2 dependency does not handle the Google workflow.

The SecurityConfig contains the Spring Security 6 configuration, with the protected routes, exception handler and OAuth2 configuration.

The WebClientConfig contains the WebFlux configuration to communicate with the authorization server of Google when validating an access_token.

The WebConfig contains the CORS configuration.


Here are the available controllers. One for the authentication, which returns the Google URL to authenticate and the callback endpoint to obtain the access_token.

The other endpoints are a public one and a private one to test the authentication.


Here will be placed the Data Transfer Objects. Objects which will be returned to the frontend.


The authentication is handled with the OAuth2 workflow.

The application can be stateless or stateful, the behavior will be the same. Having a stateful application, I can store some user's information in the session. Using a stateless application, all the user's information must be sent from the frontend to the backend at each request.

The authentication workflow starts by requesting a login URL to Google. This login URL is unique and contains the information of the application which delegates the authentication to Google. Once the login is done by the user, a code is returned to a callback endpoint. This code will be exchanged by an access_token. This access_token can now be used against Google to obtain the user's information.

The access_token must be stored in the frontend and used for every private request.


This project was generated with Angular CLI version 16.0.4.

Angular Frontend connected to a Spring Boot backend.

The frontend is as simple as possible to just show the logic of authentication via a JWT.

Run on local

yarn start

The application will run on http://localhost:4200


App Component

Main wrapper component. It has the logic to display the Login form (if requested by the user), the protected content (if the user is authenticated) or the welcome content (by default when loading the frontend).

Login Form Component

The login form only displays a link with the Google's URL to log the user. This URL comes from the backend.

Protected Content Component

This component requests a protected endpoint in the backend when loading.

Welcome Content Component

This component request a public endpoint in the backend when loading.


The Authentication uses the OAuth2 workflow.

To Authenticate a user, a request must be done first to the backend to obtain a Google URL where the user must log in. Once logged, Google will call the frontend with a code. This code must sent to the backend to obtain an access_token. The access_token will now be used to request protected endpoints. The access_token will be sent as a Bearer token in the HTTP headers.